Our aim in this paper was to measure the time course of interactions between masking and test stimuli. We start by describing a procedure for measuring mask–test interactions using rapid serial visual presentation. We then plot the time course for these interactions.
Figure 1 illustrates a stimulus sequence in which one orientation,
θ 1, is preceded by another,
θ 2. To demonstrate the effect of
θ 2 on the response to
θ 1 we plot in
Figure 3A the probability that a key-press is preceded by
θ 1 and, immediately before that,
θ 2. The interstimulus interval here is 33 ms, orientation
θ 1 is given on the horizontal axis and
θ 2 on the vertical axis. The gray level at each point codes the probability,
p obs(
θ 1,
θ 2), that a key-press is preceded by the combination (
θ 1,
θ 2), and the scale at the right of the plot shows the relationship between probability and gray level.
There is a bright area in the middle of the plot, indicating that a key-press is likely to be preceded by two target orientations, one immediately following the other. This is not surprising as each target orientation could contribute to a key-press independently of the other target. What is more interesting is whether there is any interaction between the two stimuli in producing a response. To examine this possibility we first calculated the probability density expected if orientations
θ 1 and
θ 2 contribute to a key-press independently of each other. This density was calculated from the observed probabilities in three steps. First, probabilities were summed across
θ 2 to find the marginal density for
θ 1,
p 1(
θ 1). Second, probabilities were summed across
θ 1 to give the other marginal density,
p 2(
θ 2). Third, the two marginal densities were multiplied to find the independence model:
The results are shown in
Figure 3B. The final step in the analysis was performed by subtracting the independence model from the observations, to find the interaction between
θ 1 and
θ 2 in producing a key-press:
The interaction plot is shown in
Figure 3C. It is not uniformly gray, indicating that there are interactions. There is a bright area in the middle indicating that the combination of two targets is more likely than expected if the two stimuli acted independently. In other words,
θ 2 facilitates
θ 1 in producing a key-press. Elsewhere in the plot the probability differences are negative, producing dark areas. This means that
θ 2 has a suppressive effect, making it less likely that
θ 1 will evoke a key-press.
We have previously described the facilitatory influence of consecutive orientations (Roeber et al.,
2008) and will not dwell on that theme here. Instead, the focus of this paper is on suppression and its time course. We therefore calculated the interaction plot for several interstimulus intervals, as shown in
Figure 4. Intraocular and interocular interactions are shown on the left and right columns of the figure, respectively. The left column of the figure shows densities for which the two orientations were delivered to the same eye; data from the left eye and right eye are averaged. The right column shows densities for which
θ1 was presented to one eye and
θ2 to the other eye. Again there are two cases (
θ1 to the left or right eye), and the mean is shown. The interstimulus interval, the time by which
θ2 preceded
θ1, is shown to the right of each row. There is no intraocular plot for an interstimulus interval of 0 because only one orientation was presented to each eye at any given time.
There is a progressive change in the interaction plot as the interstimulus interval increases: an area of suppression develops at the center of the plot. Whereas the central suppression is evident in all the interocular plots, it is not well established in the intraocular plot until the interval between the stimuli reaches 133 ms. To quantify this time course we summed values within the central area of the plot. In order to find the best summation area the interaction plot was averaged over interstimulus intervals, as shown at the bottom of
Figure 4. This mean shows a circular suppression region surrounded by facilitation. A circular summing area was therefore used, and its radius was set so that the sum of values within the contour was minimized: a smaller radius would not include all the negative values representing suppression and a larger radius would encroach on the positive values indicating facilitation. The dashed circle shows the optimal contour, which had a radius of 35°.
Summation of interaction values within this optimal contour results in the time course shown in
Figure 5A. Intraocular data are shown on the left and interocular on the right, with one line for each subject. All data in this figure have been smoothed using a moving average over five consecutive values. Interactions in the intraocular case are strongly facilitatory at short interstimulus intervals and the interaction only becomes suppressive at longer intervals. The suppression is shown more clearly in
Figure 5B by using an expanded vertical scale. The intraocular and interocular plots are similar: suppression is strongest at an interstimulus interval of 100–300 ms and continues up to about 400 ms.
Whereas the suppression phase of the intraocular and interocular time courses are similar, the facilitatory phases differ markedly. This suggests that the time courses have two components—facilitatory and suppressive. Indeed,
Figure 4 shows that the pattern of interactions at short interstimulus intervals differs substantially from that at long interstimulus intervals. To test this idea we broke the time courses into two additive components with the following model:
t is time,
b is the pattern of interactions at the briefest interstimulus interval (33 ms for the intraocular case and 0 ms for the interocular case), and
l is the pattern of interactions averaged over the longer interstimulus intervals (the bottom pattern in
Figure 4). This analysis has an advantage over that in parts A and B of the figure: it uses all the data in the interaction plots, not just those data within a contour. The model in
Equation 4 was fitted to the observations using least-squares regression, and the resulting time courses,
t) and
t), are shown in
Figure 5C labeled
Facilitation and
Suppression, respectively. For both the intraocular and interocular cases, model-fitting reveals a rapid decline in the facilitatory component and a suppressive component that takes 100–200 ms to reach its trough, followed by a long decay period. A one-tailed
t-test on the unsmoothed data showed that the suppression differed significantly from zero at the 5% level for interstimulus intervals of 100–400 ms for the intraocular case, and 67–400 ms for the interocular. The
General discussion section takes up the mechanisms that may underlie these time courses.