In the baseline condition, the analysis of N2pc onset latencies revealed a main effect of singleton type [
F c(2, 22) = 7.4,
p = 0.003]. As shown in
Figure 4 (left panel), the N2pc to redundantly defined target singletons emerged earlier than the N2pc to pure color or shape singletons, as predicted. Statistical analyses using one-tailed paired
t-tests confirmed that the N2pc onset to redundant color and shape singleton targets (171 ms) was reliably earlier than the N2pc onset for pure color targets (184 ms;
t c(11) = 3.0,
p = 0.017) and pure shape targets (196 ms;
t c(11) = 3.5,
p = 0.008). There was no significant N2pc onset difference between pure color and shape targets (
t c(11) = 1.6,
p = 0.198). In the color target condition, a main effect of singleton type was observed [
F c(2, 22) = 72.8,
p < 0.001], which was due to the fact that the N2pc to search arrays with task-irrelevant shape singletons (231 ms) was strongly delayed relative to the N2pc onset in response to task-relevant redundant targets (171 ms) and pure color targets (174 ms;
t c (11) = 11.9 and 8.0, respectively, both
p < 0.001; see
Figure 4, middle panel). Critically, N2pc onset latencies did not differ between redundantly defined color and shape singleton targets and pure color targets (
t c(11) < 1). A main effect of singleton type on N2pc onset latency was also found in the shape task [
F c(2, 22) = 4.0,
p = 0.033], as the N2pc to task-irrelevant color singletons (203 ms) emerged later than the N2pc to redundant color and shape singleton targets (176 ms;
t c(11) = 2.6,
p = 0.038). The N2pc latency difference between irrelevant color singletons and pure shape targets (190 ms) was not reliable (
t c(11) = 1.2,
p = 0.384). Importantly, the N2pc onset difference between redundant targets and pure shape targets (
Figure 4, right panel) was not statistically reliable (
t c(11) = 2.1,
p = 0.096).