The next cube only appeared after the subject had brought the hand back near the body. We determined three measures for the use of retinal image size from the pointed distances (the distances between the saved finger position and the point between the eyes). Since we presented all the relevant cubes at the same 60 positions, we could easily summarize the influence of cube size in a single value: the average difference between the pointed distance when pointing at the larger and smaller cubes. We will refer to this average difference as the “influence of cube size.” We determined the influence of cube size separately for the matched 1.0- and 1.2-cm cubes in the small sizes and mixed sizes conditions and for the matched 3.0- and 3.6-cm cubes in the large sizes and mixed sizes conditions. For every subject, we averaged these influences for the small sizes and large sizes conditions and did so for the two sizes of the mixed sizes condition. We tested whether the influence of cube size was consistently smaller (indicating that the size prior is wider) in the mixed condition with a paired t-test.
The second measure that we used was the slope of the relation between simulated distance and pointed distance for each cube size. Since the simulation does not include all possible cues (e.g., required accommodation does not vary with simulated distance; Watt, Akeley, MO, & Banks,
2005), and there may be a bias toward a certain distance (Gogel,
1961), giving more weight to cues that change with distance in accordance with the simulation will result in the above-mentioned slope becoming steeper (for veridical pointing at the simulated distance, the slope would be 1). For a given simulated cube size (and the slopes were determined separately for each simulated size), retinal image size is a reliable cue for the object's simulated distance, so giving more weight to size as a cue for distance will result in steeper slopes. For every subject, the slopes for the four cube sizes in the
small sizes and
large sizes conditions were averaged, as were the slopes for the same cube sizes in the
mixed sizes condition. We tested whether these average slopes were consistently shallower (again indicating a wider prior) in the
mixed sizes condition with a paired
The last measure that we determined was similar to the first one, the influence of cube size, but determined by comparing pointing at the matched positions for 1.0- and 3.0-cm cubes, and similarly for 1.2- and 3.6-cm cubes. This means that for the small sizes condition and for the large sizes condition the measure (influence of cube size) was determined across conditions and, therefore, in different sessions. We used this third measure to find out whether the expected size differs between the sessions. We anticipate that the expected size (i.e., the mean of the prior) will be influenced by recent experience even if the confidence in the expected size (i.e., in the width of the prior) is not. Unless the expected size changes, the size effect will scale with the ratio between the sizes involved (assuming that the expected size can be considered as a straightforward prior). We evaluate such scaling for the influence of cube size for small and large differences in size. We do so both for the mixed sizes condition, where we assume that there is a single expected size, and for the other two conditions, where we predict that there will be different expected sizes. We express the above-mentioned ratio between the sizes as the difference divided by the sum, in analogy with Michelson contrast.