The measured effect of wiggle on the two tasks tests a particularly simple version of our hypothesis. Suppose the two tasks have the same binding mechanism and that binding of the flankers is all or none. That is, each trial is perceptually bound (or unbound), with a probability
B that depends solely on the amount of wiggle. We suppose that at zero wiggle all trials are bound,
B = 1, and that at 60 deg wiggle all trials are unbound,
B = 0. We call the amount of wiggle that produces 50% probability of binding (
B = 0.5) the wiggle threshold
W 50. If both tasks involve the same binding, then they must have the same wiggle threshold. The following six steps explain how we arrive at and test this prediction. First, the expected proportion correct for each task depends on contrast
c and on whether the trial is bound or unbound. Lacking complete models for how the two tasks are performed, we cannot say how much difference the binding should make, and the dependence of the probability of binding on wiggle may be non-linear and even non-monotonic. However, the expected fraction of trials that are bound is the probability of binding
B, so the measured proportion correct
P (including a mixture of bound and unbound trials) will be a linear interpolation (0 to 100%) between the proportions correct at 0 and 60 deg wiggle,
P = (
P 0° −
P 60°)
B +
P 60°. Thus, proportion correct
P is linearly related to probability of binding
B. Second, the
P vs. log
c psychometric function, as a whole, is non-linear (sigmoidal), but it is smooth, so we suppose that, over a modest range, proportion correct is linearly related to log contrast. Third, the cascade of several linear relations is itself a linear relation, so, provided
P is near some criterion value (e.g., 0.82), log contrast threshold is linearly related to probability of binding. Fourth, the results in
Figure 4 are all collected at a fixed threshold criterion
P, satisfying the third step's proviso. Fifth, although the linear relation is task dependent, the linearity itself implies that the midway point of binding probability,
B = 0.5, corresponds to the midway point of log contrast threshold, log
c = (log
c 0° + log
c 60°) / 2. Thus, sixth, if the same binding process mediates both tasks, we predict that the wiggle threshold
W 50 will be the same for both tasks.