Our model of non-geometric similarity effects is based upon the notion of a “prototype” effect (Op de Beeck et al.,
2003; Tversky,
1977). Two stimuli are perceived as more proximal when the more prototypical or average stimulus is presented following another one less so, and less proximal in the reverse case. There are other non-geometric bias effects that might be considered. In studies of magnitude estimation, for example, the response to a stimulus tends to be larger when the preceding stimulus intensity was greater. This “assimilation” effect is commonly seen for stimuli in which one end of the continuum is “larger” (DeCarlo & Cross,
1990). The opposite, “contrast” effect is also observed. A model for this directional bias in neuroimaging data is considered in Aguirre (
2007) and is orthogonal to the “prototype” effect just discussed. While the “prototype” model of bias is symmetric about the center of the stimulus space, directional bias is inversely symmetric toward each extreme. Directional bias has been observed in perceptual adaptation effects for face identity (Leopold, O'Toole, Vetter, & Blanz,
2001), gender (Webster, Kaping, Mizokami, & Duhamel,
2004), and attractiveness (Rhodes, Jeffery, Watson, Clifford, & Nakayama,
2003). We tested for directional bias effects in our ERP study but found no significant effect (data not shown). This is not surprising as our stimuli were a morph between two faces of equal distinctiveness, as opposed to the stimuli of, e.g., Leopold et al. (
2001) in which one end of the continuum was a distinctive face and the other a prototypical or average face.