Saccadic eye movements are a fundamental means by which humans explore the visual environment. However, saccades introduce two complementary challenges for vision. On the one hand, we have a remarkably stable sense of the visual world despite the sudden changes in visual input that saccades produce. It is common experience that moving one's eye by pushing on it appears to displace everything in view, but a similar eye movement resulting from a saccade leaves the world stationary. Consistent with the proposal made by von Helmholtz in the 19th century, a corollary discharge signal (i.e., a signal sent to visual cortex related to the motor command to move the eyes, Sperry,
1950; Von Holst & Mittelstaedt,
1971) may be used to internally compensate for eye movements and give us a sense of visual stability (Von Helmholtz,
1924; Wurtz,
2008). Physiological studies indicate that corollary discharge signals from the brainstem reach cerebral cortex very quickly, causing a burst of activity in the frontal eye fields in about 2 ms (Sommer & Wurtz,
2004b). Such an effect on visual neurons may underlie receptive field remapping that occurs in some extrastriate areas prior to saccades (Colby, Duhamel, & Goldberg,
1993; Duhamel, Colby, & Goldberg,
1992; Melcher & Colby,
2008). While not yet proven, receptive field remapping via corollary discharge may be a neural mechanism of visual stability (Melcher & Colby,
2008; Sommer & Wurtz,
2008), though there are experimental and theoretical reasons for questioning the link between corollary discharge and space constancy (Bridgeman,
2007; Ilg, Bridgeman, & Hoffmann,
1989). Another important component of the visual stabilization process may be saccadic suppression, the reduction in visual sensitivity for objects seen during saccades (Holt,
1903; Matin,
1974; Ross et al.,
2001; Wurtz,