What is the relationship between color categories and color discrimination? Is discrimination better across a category boundary (e.g. between green and blue) than it is within a category? Alternatively, is discrimination particularly good at a unique hue, e.g. at a transition between two binary hues, such as that between reddish blues and greenish blues?
Although these questions are celebrated ones, there is only a little empirical evidence that discrimination is enhanced at the boundaries of color categories. Winawer et al. (
2007) using a series of blue stimuli, have shown that native Russian speakers respond more rapidly when the discriminanda lie on opposite sides of the boundary between
goluboy and
signyi. For a Russian speaker, these two categories differ in hue and lightness and there is no general word for ‘blue’. Native English speakers—for whom blue is a single category—did not exhibit an analogous advantage at the boundary between ‘light blue’ and ‘dark blue’. Similarly, Witzel, Hansen, and Gegenfurtner (
2009) have reported shortened reaction times for transitional colors between green and blue when the stimuli had previously been equated for discriminability in a threshold task.
Here we ask whether discriminability itself, measured by two-alternative forced choice thresholds and expressed in terms of cone excitation ratios, exhibits a relationship to the phenomenological transition between two binary hues. We have been led to the present experiment by an indirect route. We had previously studied the human ability to discriminate the chromaticities of brief, parafoveal stimuli that were spatially separated by up to 10 degrees of visual angle (Danilova & Mollon,
2006b). If discrimination depended on local difference signals arising at the edge between the stimuli and extracted early in the visual system (Whittle,
2003), then we might expect performance to deteriorate with increasing spatial separation of the targets; and secondly we might expect discrimination to be best when the two discriminanda fell close to the equilibrium point of a distal color channel—as set by the current background (Krauskopf & Gegenfurtner,
1992; Miyahara, Smith, & Pokorny,
1993). Conversely, if discrimination depended on the comparison of two abstract codes transmitted over a ‘cerebral bus’ (Danilova & Mollon,
2003), then we might expect no deterioration with spatial separation, and it is possible that categories might influence discrimination: for example, discrimination might be better at the transition between reddish blues and greenish blues than it is between two reddish blues.
In fact, discrimination thresholds turn out to be similar for juxtaposed and for well-separated stimuli (Danilova & Mollon,
2006b)—a result suggesting that discrimination depends on the central comparison of two separate color signals. This surprising finding let us to ask whether, under the conditions of our experiments, discrimination would exhibit category effects. Specifically, we asked whether colors would be better discriminated when they straddled a unique hue—when, for example, they fell at the transition between reddish blue and greenish blue.
In the experiment described here, the spatial separation of the edges of the stimuli was held constant at 1.7 deg, since this is the separation that we have previously found to be optimum (Danilova & Mollon,
2006b). As before, the stimuli were parafoveal and the pair of discriminanda could fall anywhere on an imaginary circle that had a radius of 5 deg and was centered on the fixation point (
Figure 1).
To study the question of whether color discrimination is enhanced at category boundaries, it is necessary to have an independent metric for the discriminanda. To use an arbitrary series of stimuli (as in the study of Winawer et al.,
2007) would be unsatisfactory for our purpose; and it would be circular to use stimuli that were separated by equal units in CIE L*a*b* space or in CIE L*u*v* space or in the Munsell system, since the units of these spaces are themselves derived from discrimination experiments. In the present study, we use ratios of cone excitations as an independent metric.
We constructed our stimulus set in an analogue of the chromaticity diagram of MacLeod and Boynton (
1979). Since our stimuli were parafoveal, we used the 10-deg cone fundamentals of Stockman and Sharpe (
2000), but we retained the relative scaling of L and M cone sensitivities from the original diagram (
Figure 2). We wished to probe discrimination thresholds along lines that were orthogonal to the ‘yellow-blue line’ that separates reddish and greenish colors. As a preliminary approximation to this line, we took the line that runs between 576 nm and 476 nm, wavelengths that are close to typical estimates of unique blue and unique yellow respectively (Burns, Elsner, Pokorny, & Smith,
1984; Dimmick & Hubbard,
1939; Jordan & Mollon,
1997; Nerger, Volbrecht, & Ayde,
1995; Purdy,
1931; Webster et al.,
2002). We scaled our chromaticity diagram so that this line had a slope of −45 deg in the diagram, and we then calculated a series of lines with a slope of +45 deg, which intersected the yellow-blue line at an angle of 90 deg (see
Figure 2). We measured discrimination thresholds at a series of points along each of the +45 deg lines.
The 576–476 nm line served only as a preliminary estimate of the yellow-blue axis of color space. Most estimates of unique hues have been obtained with a dark background whereas the present measurements were made in the presence of a white field metameric to equal-energy white. In blocks of trials interleaved with the discrimination measurements, we therefore obtained our own phenomenological estimates of the yellow-blue line: Observers were asked to judge stimuli as ‘reddish’ or ‘greenish’ as chromaticity was varied along +45 deg lines in our rescaled MacLeod–Boynton diagram. Thus the 476–576 nm ‘yellow-blue’ line was used only to bootstrap the experiment, in guiding the initial choice of conditions.