Thus, crowding can be determined by a combination of the position, similarity, and global configuration of both target and flankers and may occur among mechanisms tuned for low- and high-level stimulus properties. Beyond this, we understand little about the specific mechanisms of crowding or how they interact. Given the strong disruption to both letter and object recognition (Flom, Heath, & Takahashi,
1963; Pelli & Tillman,
2008) and discrimination of the orientation and spatial frequency of Gabor stimuli (Solomon, Felisberti, & Morgan,
2004; Wilkinson et al.,
1997), some authors have attributed crowding to a failure of attentional resolution such that the identity of cluttered elements is lost from awareness (He, Cavanagh, & Intriligator,
1996). This view is however inconsistent with the observation that the errors in crowding tasks correlate highly with the identity of flanking elements (Huckauf & Heller,
2002; Nandy & Tjan,
2007; Strasburger,
2005; Strasburger, Harvey, & Rentschler,
1991) as well as on repeated presentations of the same stimuli (Dakin, Cass, Bex, & Watt,
2009). This has most commonly been attributed to the
substitution of either flankers (Chastain,
1982; Strasburger et al.,
1991) or their independent features (Chastain,
1982; Wolford,
1975) into the target location. However, a recent study demonstrates that the perceived position of features within letter-like stimuli can be attributed to a noisy weighted averaging of position information (Greenwood, Bex, & Dakin,
2009), which can account for both the systematic flanker-driven errors and the threshold elevation that occurs under crowding. This fits with prior work demonstrating that averaging can account for judgments of orientation made with an array of crowded Gabor stimuli (Parkes, Lund, Angelucci, Solomon, & Morgan,
2001). While averaging may seem inconsistent with measured distributions of the perceived orientation of crowded targets, which tend toward bimodality rather than being normally distributed (Gheri & Baldassi,
2008), this pattern is consistent with both a “Signed Max” rule—in which the observer's response is based on the maximum output from a set of noisy filters (Baldassi, Megna, & Burr,
2006)—as well as a later decisional strategy (Greenwood et al.,
2009) known as “reference repulsion” (Jazayeri & Movshon,
2007; Rauber & Treue,
1998). Target–flanker averaging is likely to precede these later decisional processes.