Interpreting a visual scene places a large demand on the visual system in which a coherent representation must be constructed from a seemingly ambiguous assortment of shapes, colors, and textures. Fortunately, the visual system utilizes a wide variety of processes in order to form a coherent image of the world. One such process is figure–ground organization, during which potential objects (i.e., figures) are segregated from less relevant background details. For example, figure–ground processes can allow the image of a set of car keys to be treated as a separate object from the papers lying on the desk.
Research on figure–ground organization has focused primarily on identifying cues that are used to distinguish between foreground and background regions. Such cues include area, symmetry, convexity (see Palmer,
2002, for reviews), lower region (Vecera, Vogel, & Woodman,
2002), object familiarity (Peterson,
1994), and attention (Vecera, Flevaris, & Filapek,
Although the cues that determine figure–ground organization are well studied, much less is known about the consequences, or effects, of figure–ground organization. Discussion of the effects of figure–ground organization can be traced back to Rubin (
1915/1958), who initially discussed two phenomenological consequences: increased salience and “shapeness” of the “thing-like” figure. Other researchers also claimed that figures are “more strongly structured, and more impressive” (Koffka,
1935) and appear closer to the viewer (Palmer & Rock,
1994), yet the mechanism behind these subjective perceptions and the behavioral consequences they evoke are only now being explored.
Some researchers have demonstrated behavioral effects of figure–ground organization. In particular, targets appearing on figures are discriminated faster and more accurately than those appearing on grounds (e.g., Lazareva, Castro, Vecera, & Wasserman,
2006; Nelson & Palmer,
2007; Wong & Weisstein,
1982). These behavioral effects may be attributable to differences in spatial processing between figures and grounds, since figures have higher degrees of resolution (Julesz,
1978). Still, differences in temporal processing may also be present, influencing discrimination between these regions. Specifically, two types of alterations in temporal processing could exist between figures and grounds: (1) Perceptual processing may begin earlier on figures than grounds, resulting in better onset detection for figures, and (2) perceptual processing may end later on figures than grounds, resulting in worse offset detections for figures.
The first temporal effect, in which figures receive processing ahead of grounds, was supported in a series of experiments examining a “prior entry” effect for figure–ground displays (Lester, Hecht, & Vecera,
2009). The “prior entry” effect was originally characterized by attended events being perceived before unattended events (e.g., Shore & Spence,
2005; Titchener,
1908). Using a temporal order judgment (TOJ) task, Lester et al. (
2009) varied the delay between the onset of two targets. They found that targets appearing on the backgrounds needed to onset earlier than targets appearing on the foreground figures in order for the two targets to be perceived as occurring simultaneously (i.e., a “prior-entry-like” effect). These results imply that figure targets were perceived to lead ground targets, suggesting that figures are afforded early perceptual processing over grounds. Although figures are available for perceptual processing earlier than grounds, another temporal effect could contribute to previously observed figural benefits: later termination of perceptual processing of figures compared to grounds. We hypothesized that figure–ground organization would exhibit a shift in perceptual processing of offsets whereby figures undergo longer perceptual processing than grounds. If this is the case, then detecting the offset of a target would be more difficult when it is located on a figure than on a ground, producing a ground advantage for target offsets.
Rolke, Ulrich, and Bausenhart (
2006) have demonstrated that modifying the TOJ procedure to offset, rather than onset, detections provides a relative comparison of the duration of time an item is processed; thus, we used a TOJ task where offset was detected to test our hypothesis. Participants viewed bipartite figure–ground displays containing two regions (
Figures 1A and
1C), each with a target protruding from its surface. The interval between the targets' offset varied at one of four stimulus offset asynchronies (SOAs), and participants reported which target offset first (
Experiment 1A) or which offset second (
Experiment 1B). Any bias in responding first to targets on figures or on grounds should be eliminated by including these report order conditions (see Shore, Spence, & Klein,
2001). For instance, a participant preferentially responding to the figure would be
less accurate when the ground target offsets first, especially at short SOAs; this same result is taken to suggest that figure targets were perceived to offset earlier than ground targets. However, if participants have this response bias, it would be evident when reporting which target offset second; their reports would now be opposite of those found when reporting which offset first. Increased responses to the figure would suggest that it was perceived as offsetting second more often than the ground; in other words, the ground target was perceived to lead the figure target, conflicting with the earlier result.
We assessed temporal discrimination by calculating the point of subjective simultaneity (PSS). The PSS reflects the temporal delay between target offsets that produces the most uncertainty for participants, resulting in 50% discrimination accuracy; that is, the PSS is the point at which participants perceive the stimuli as offsetting simultaneously. If perceptual processing is extended for figures relative to grounds, then a target appearing on the figure would be perceived as offsetting later than a target on the ground. Thus, the target on the figure would need to offset before the target on the ground for the two targets to be perceived as offsetting at the same time, shifting the PSS away from zero. Alternatively, if no extension in processing exists, then the PSS should fall at zero, indicating that the events must occur at the same time to be perceived as simultaneous.