After fitting the power spectra (as shown in
Figure 2) to each of the 1,040,000 filtered image patches, we formed histograms of the values of
c and
β for each eccentricity. These histograms are plotted in
Figure 3 for several eccentricities. The figure shows that the primary change with eccentricity is in the distribution of the slope parameter
β indicated by the horizontal shift of the distributions. On the other hand, the distribution of response contrast, indicated by the vertical position, remains relatively constant. This shows that despite the removal of high spatial frequencies due to spatial summation by the peripheral ganglion cells, the simultaneous reduction in the spatial sampling rate of the ganglion cells tends to preserve the average variation of the responses within the image patch (i.e., the response contrast).
Since these distributions reflect the statistics of ganglion cell responses to a large population of natural images, they capture the full range of cortical inputs. Thus, these distributions represent the baseline probability of a ganglion cell response to an unknown image. The visual system could, in principle, improve its estimate of a peripheral image patch by learning the statistical relationship between the signals generated by the same image patches presented to the periphery and the fovea. Here, we measured that statistical relationship.
As described in the
Methods section, the first step was to estimate the prior probability distribution of
c and
β in the fovea,
c 0,
β 0), by quantile binning. The resulting distribution is shown in
Figure 4 (note that this is the same data as in
Figure 3a replotted with quantile binning). The response contrasts vary from approximately 0.02 to 20, and the spectral falloff parameter varies from approximately 0.2 to 0.45.
The second step is to estimate the likelihood distributions (i.e., the probability distribution of power spectra at each eccentricity given a power spectrum in the fovea). As described in the
Methods section, we did this by analyzing how the 1000 power spectra in each bin of the estimated prior distribution (
Figure 4) change when the same image patches are encoded at a peripheral location.
Figure 5b shows the likelihood distributions for the four colored bins indicated in
Figure 5a. The symbols in
Figure 5b show the samples (a small fraction of the 1000 samples) and the solid curves show the 95% confidence ellipses of the fitted Gaussian functions (the slight distortion of the ellipses is due to the logarithmic axes).
The figure shows that the distributions become broader with increasing eccentricity. It also demonstrates that changes in the foveal falloff parameter
β 0 do not correspond to large changes in the peripheral likelihood distributions. For example, the cyan and blue bins map to highly overlapping distributions at all eccentricities. This means that little information about
β 0 is carried by the peripheral power spectrum. On the other hand, differences in the foveal response contrast
c 0 are preserved in the likelihood distributions, although the separation diminishes with eccentricity. Finally, the distributions tilt as eccentricity increases. This means that knowledge of the falloff parameter of the peripheral power spectrum
β ɛ is informative about the contrast of the corresponding foveal power spectrum. For example, in
Figure 5b, the patches indicated by the arrows have an equal observed response contrast but different falloff values. Clearly, the point indicated by the left arrow is more likely to have come from the cyan bin than from the red bin. Thus, the falloff steepness of the spatial power spectrum of a small patch of peripheral ganglion cell responses is informative about the response contrast that the same small image patch would generate had it been projected to the fovea. Further, this becomes more relevant at greater eccentricities.
Having computed the likelihood distributions, the posterior distributions can now be calculated using
Equation 1. Of particular interest are the mean values of the posterior distributions, because they correspond to the optimal minimum mean squared error (MMSE) estimates of the foveal values (
opt), given observed peripheral values (
c ɛ ,
β ɛ ).
Figure 6 illustrates the systematic behavior of the means of the posterior distributions. In each panel, the points on the right represent a regular grid spanning the distribution of (
c ɛ ,
β ɛ ) values. For each grid point, the mean of the posterior distribution is indicated by the corresponding point on the left side of the panel (marked with a solid line). There are two obvious trends visible in the plots. First, for any given peripheral response contrast, the optimal estimate of foveal response contrast is, on average, approximately constant. Specifically, the average orientation of the solid lines for any given peripheral response contrast is approximately horizontal. Second, for any given peripheral response contrast, the optimal estimate of foveal response contrast varies systematically with the falloff parameter
β ɛ , especially at larger eccentricities. Specifically, the optimal estimate of foveal response contrast tends to decrease as the magnitude of
β ɛ increases (this is related to the tilt of the likelihood distributions in
Figure 5). These two trends are illustrated more fully in
Figure 7a, which plots the optimal estimate of foveal response contrast for a large set of image patches randomly sampled at 15° eccentricity.
Interestingly, the trends between the optimal estimate of the foveal falloff (
opt) and the peripheral values (
c ɛ ,
β ɛ ) are much weaker. This may be related to the observation that the variation in the peripheral falloff is much greater than in the foveal falloff. The weaker trends are illustrated in
Figure 7b, which plots the optimal estimate of foveal falloff for image patches randomly sampled at 15° eccentricity. The estimated falloff increases with observed contrast from about 0.3 to 0.35, and there is an even weaker effect of the observed falloff. We conclude that a rational strategy for estimating the foveal power spectrum from a peripherally encoded power spectrum is to take into account both the peripheral response contrast and the falloff in estimating the foveal response contrast but only take into account the peripheral response contrast in estimating the foveal falloff.
Given this conclusion, we attempted to find a descriptive function that summarizes the relationship between the peripheral response contrast and falloff values and the optimal estimate of the foveal response contrast. At a given eccentricity, we found that the log of the optimal estimate of foveal contrast was approximately a linear function of the falloff and of the log of the peripheral contrast. More precisely, we found that the mapping was well described by the following equation:
f is a hyperbolic function of eccentricity,
g is a quadratic function of eccentricity, and
k is a constant. The full six-parameter function, as well as the fitted parameter values, is given in
Our most surprising finding is that the optimal estimate of foveal response contrast depends on the falloff of the power spectrum measured in the periphery. Although the finding is clear, an obvious question is whether taking into account the falloff significantly increases the accuracy of the foveal response contrast estimates.
To address this question, we computed the optimal (MMSE) estimate of the foveal contrast for a random sample of 1000 patches using both parameters of the peripheral power spectrum and using only the peripheral response contrast. We then calculated the error between the actual foveal response contrast and the predicted foveal response contrasts, for each of the 1000 patches at each eccentricity.
Figure 8 plots the average percent error of the predicted response contrast for the two cases. The percent error using both response contrast and falloff is shown by the red line (the dashed line is the performance of the summary function in
Equation 2), while the error using response contrast alone is shown by the blue line. Clearly, knowledge of peripheral beta improves the estimate of foveal response contrast, and the improvement increases with eccentricity (e.g., at an eccentricity of 15°, use of peripheral falloff reduces the average percent error from 19% to 10%).
Exploiting the peripherally measured falloff not only shifts (improves) the estimate of foveal contrast but reduces the variance of the posterior distribution. This is illustrated in
Figure 9, which plots the posterior distribution of foveal response contrast for typical patches at 15° eccentricity. Again, the blue bars show the posterior distribution based on using only peripheral response contrast, while the red bars show the posterior distribution based on both peripheral response contrast and falloff. Both red distributions are significantly shifted, while the distribution in
Figure 9b is also substantially narrower. On average, at 15° eccentricity, the standard deviation of the posterior distribution over foveal response contrasts is reduced by about 15% when the peripheral falloff is taken into account.