A number of possibilities can be entertained for any reduction in stereopsis resulting from large interocular differences in mean luminances. Firstly, although changes in mean luminance of the sort we are considering here using neutral density (ND) filters are not accompanied by physical contrast changes, nevertheless spatial contrast sensitivity is itself dependent on mean luminance (Van Nes & Bouman,
1967). If the stimuli are of high spatial frequency or if the mean luminance changes are extreme, then spatial contrast sensitivity is reduced (Hess,
1990; Van Nes & Bouman,
1967), as is perceived contrast (Hess,
1990). If this is the explanation for the reduced stereopsis, stimuli composed of higher spatial frequencies should be more vulnerable to the effects of reduced mean luminance since their thresholds are differentially affected (Van Nes & Bouman,
1967) and the explanation can be couched in terms of secondary interocular contrast differences (Halpern & Blake,
1989, Legge & Gu,
1989). As an alternate explanation, the interocular mean luminance difference could result in delayed processing of the lower intensity image, as has been postulated in the Pulfrich effect (Pulfrich,
1922). An interocular asynchrony would be expected to disrupt binocular processing by virtue of the fact that it would reduce the temporal correlation between the left and right eye stimulation. If this is the case, not only would there be an increase in the optimal temporal asynchrony with increasing ND filter but also any reduction in stereo performance introduced by a reduction in interocular mean luminance should be able to be fully compensated for by a suitable change in the physical interocular synchrony of the presented stereo pair. Finally, the effects could be a result of the mean luminance per se, possibly as a result of an active inhibition emanating from the more dark-adapted eye (Denny, Frumkes, Barris & Eysteinsson,
1991). The stereo effects in this case would be expected to be greater at the lowest spatial scale reflecting a direct DC influence and not able to be compensated for by changing the interocular temporal asynchrony.