To estimate the precision of VSTM representations, we calculated the probability of subjects detecting a change in color as a function of distance between sample and test colors. This probability is modeled by (Green & Swets,
where Φ is the cumulative distribution function of a normal distribution with mean
μ and variance
σ 2.
Equation 1 assumes that subjects have a noisy internal representation of change and will respond “change” whenever the internal representation exceeds a criterion given by
μ. We incorporated a guessing parameter
g into this model to account for the fact that on some proportion of trials subjects might fail to detect a change and instead guess that a change has occurred. On a certain proportion of trials,
g, the subject randomly guesses, while on the remaining proportion of trials, 1 −
g, the subject's behavior can be described by the model given by
Equation 1. This leads to the second model:
We also examined a third model. Non-human primates are rarely willing to work at a continuous level of high performance for an extended length of time. Instead, their performance across a single testing session is typically characterized by periods of high performance and periods of low performance. In other words, there are times when they are not fully engaged in the task. Furthermore, during these periods, their responding will frequently be biased to one or other of the responses. Such periods of response bias are a common feature of non-human primate behavior across a range of tasks. To account for these biases, we added an additional parameter,
b, which captures any bias that subjects may have to moving the lever in one direction:
This model can be seen as a mixture of two states such that when the subjects are engaged in the task, performance is modeled by
Equation 2 and when subjects are not engaged in the task, the probability of responding “change” (moving the lever in one direction) is given by the bias parameter.