Can preferences for visual stimuli be predicted? Researchers of visual aesthetic responses have placed varying emphasis on the importance of stimulus features versus internal factors. The majority of empirical studies of preference have sought to identify the common factors determining preference by testing whether average image preference for a group of observers can be reliably predicted from various factors in the stimulus set (Aitken,
1974; Bar & Neta,
2006; Berlyne,
1971; Berlyne & Ogilvie,
1974; Eysenck,
1940; Martindale, Moore, & Borkum,
1990). Investigations of preference from an evolutionary perspective have focused on such common determinants of preference, stressing high agreement across individuals (Kaplan,
1992; Kaplan & Kaplan,
1995; Orians & Heerwagen,
1992). Indeed, studies from these schools of thought have found a number of stimulus properties that are powerful determinants of preference for most observers. Berlyne's influential psychobiological approach emphasized the role of objectively measurable stimulus variables and “collative” properties (e.g. novelty, complexity, surprise; (Berlyne,
1970). Facial attractiveness is one obvious—albeit highly domain specific—example of high commonality across observers, with reports of cross-observer agreement as high as 0.5 thought to be driven by facial symmetry, similarity to an average face, and the presence of secondary sex characteristics (Bronstad & Russell,
2007; Gangestad, Thornhill, & Yeo,
1994; Rhodes, Sumich, & Byatt,
1999; Thornhill & Gangestad,
1999). Turning back to a more general domain, the landscape assessment literature contains numerous studies in which observers tend to like the same scenes, with agreement values ranging from 0.4 to 0.6, with a large degree of this shared variance in preference attributed to stimulus factors such as naturalness, complexity, vista, mystery, coherence, legibility and refuge (up to 80% of the variance in mean preference ratings; Kaplan & Kaplan,
1995). A recent study of a wider variety of real-world scenes also showed high agreement across observers (Yue, Vessel, & Biederman,
2007). The explanatory power of such factors may stem from the survival utility of a particular environment or viewpoint—it has been argued that biases toward developing preferences for certain environmental traits (e.g. the presence of resources or the ability to see oncoming predators) may have become genetically encoded over the course of evolution and therefore generally shared amongst all humans (Appleton,
1988; Kaplan,
1992; Orians & Heerwagen,
1992; Wilson,
1993). Finally, a host of additional stimulus features that appear to have at least modest effects on group preferences have been identified using this approach, such as contour shape (sharp vs. curved; Bar & Neta,
2006), contrast and clarity (Reber, Schwarz, & Winkielman,
2004; Tinio & Leder,
2009), color (McManus, Jones, & Cottrell,
1981), fractal dimension (Aks & Sprott,
1996; Graham & Field,
2007; Van Tonder, Lyons, & Ejima,
2002), number of sides (e.g. “complexity”; Aitken,
1974), aspect ratio (McManus,
1980), symmetry (Rentschler, Jüttner, Unzicker, & Landis,
1999) and stimulus prototypicality (Shortess, Clarke, Richter, & Seay,
2000). Thus, the picture that emerged from these studies is that measuring group preferences for stimuli allows one to predict the preferences of new observers.