If tracking is serial, then the interval between updates of the location of any target should increase linearly with the number of targets. This implies that temporal frequency limits should decline with the inverse of the number of targets.
This prediction of serial sampling theory assumes that the time to switch between targets is not affected by the distance between them. Pylyshyn and Storm (
1988) instead assumed that attention takes longer to switch among locations that are further apart, as if a physical spotlight must sweep across the visual field. Their calculations suggested a sweeping spotlight of implausibly high speed would be required to explain their data. They therefore adopted a parallel processing theory of tracking. However, many studies since have found that attention does not take longer to shift larger distances (Kwak, Dagenbach, & Egeth,
1991; Shih & Sperling,
2002), although voluntary shift times may be distance-dependent (Hazlett & Woldorff,
2004; Chakravarthi & VanRullen,
2011). Tripathy et al. (
2011) have further pointed out that iconic memory may transiently buffer the traces of the moving objects, facilitating target recovery in conventional MOT where objects do not share a common trajectory, allowing serial switching to more plausibly explain tracking data.
To understand the prediction of an inverse effect of target number on temporal frequency limit, imagine that with two targets, the position of each is updated every 200 ms, implying that the focus switches between them every 100 ms. Adding a third target, each target's position would be expected to be updated every 300 ms and with four targets, 400 ms. If when it comes time to revisit a target, the tracking focus goes to the object closest to the last-recorded position, than tracking will succeed only when distracters are no closer to a previously-registered position than the corresponding target is. Smaller distances between distracters and previously-registered target positions result in a failure of tracking. The failure point is the speed and spacing combination when the distracter has traveled half the distance between it and the target. Because the temporal frequency is the inverse of the time to travel the full distance, the temporal frequency failure point is the reciprocal of twice the time between position updates of a target. If the target position is updated every 200 ms (0.2 s) for example, then the temporal frequency limit is 1 / (0.2 * 2) or 2.5 Hz.
We find that increasing the number of targets has an approximately inverse effect on the temporal frequency limit, which is consistent with the serial theory's prediction. Note however that in the above discussion we avoided the issue of serial switching theory's prediction for tracking a single target. If attention samples periodically even a single target at the same rate that it switches between objects (VanRullen, Carlson, & Cavanagh,
2007), then the one-target limiting cycle duration is predicted to lie on the same line as that for additional targets. If with a single target attention instead operates more continuously, then the temporal frequency limit should be better.
Verstraten et al. (
2000) only tested with a single target and we wanted to assess the effect of additional targets on the temporal frequency limit. As mentioned above, Verstraten et al. (
2000) found evidence not only for a temporal frequency limit, but also for a speed limit. We confirm the existence of both limits here and also document a decline in temporal frequency limit with number of targets. We also find tentative evidence for a decline in the speed limit with number of targets.
The core idea of serial switching does not predict either the existence of a speed limit nor its decline with additional targets. However, a serial theory can accommodate these findings by assuming that the farther an object is from its last recorded location the more likely the spotlight will not reacquire it, even without any ambiguity regarding the nearest object. With higher loads, the target will have traveled farther since the last update, reducing the speed limit.
Two experiments were performed, one involving two rings of objects and the other involving three rings. The two-ring experiment was used to assess the temporal limits on one and on two targets, and the three-ring experiment allowed assessment of the temporal limits on two and on three targets. Including the two target condition in both experiments allowed us to show that the results generalize across stimuli (blobs vs. arc segments) and use of eccentricity scaling (three-ring experiment) versus the lack of it (two-ring experiment).
Both experiments document a temporal frequency limit that declines dramatically with the number of targets, as well as evincing a separate speed limit. There is potential for terminological confusion between the theoretical construct of a speed limit versus what we actually measured—the threshold speed. It is certainly the case that tracking performance falls with increasing object speed, but this need not indicate that a speed limit generally impairs performance. Indeed, for most of the displays tested here, the limitation instead appears to be a temporal frequency limit, because the threshold speed fell with number of distracters sharing the circular trajectories with the target, in a manner (inverse proportion) that indicates performance was limited by temporal frequency. The term “speed limit” will be used only for circumstances where it appears performance is constrained by speed rather than by temporal frequency.
In two animated demonstrations, readers can roughly assess their maximum tracking speed and thereby note the decline with the number of distracters sharing the target's trajectory, which points to a temporal frequency limit. The animations are provided as
supplemental movies here, and can also be viewed on their own webpage here:
http://bit.ly/temporalTrackingLimits. In Movie S1, the two targets designated for tracking gradually increase in speed. Many readers will be able to successfully track these objects successfully even at the top, final speed of 0.6 rps. Movie S2 shows the same range of speeds but with more distracter objects added to the array of targets. Although it is still easy to track the objects at the very slow speeds of the beginning of the movie, as the speed increases the targets become untrackable. Our data below indicate that the lower speed threshold in the presence of more distracter objects reflects a temporal frequency limit. This limit is higher if only one target is tracked, as can be seen by viewing Movie S2 again while ignoring one of the targets.
Our results document a range of circumstances in which temporal frequency is the primary constraint on performance which was not recognized by previous theorists who instead considered only spatial interference and speed (Alvarez & Franconeri,
2007; Bettencourt & Somers,
2009; Vul et al.,
2010; Franconeri et al.,
The decline in temporal frequency limit with additional targets supports serial processing theories, which predict both the existence of the effect and its size. To remain viable, parallel processing theories must add an accessory assumption such as that temporal precision of the tracking focus decreases substantially with number of targets.
The participants, who all had experience fixating from previous experiments, were told to maintain fixation on the white dot at the display center. The trial started with the target objects presented in white (167 cd/m
−2) while the remainder (the distracter objects) were red (12 cd/m
−2; evoked by red gun only). The targets gradually became red (identical to the distracters) over the initial 0.7 s via a linear ramp through RGB space. The subsequent tracking interval was assigned a random duration between 3 and 3.8 s, see
Figure 2.
For the two-ring experiment, the objects of the inner ring initially revolved in the opposite direction from that of the outer ring. For the three-ring experiment, the blobs of the inner and outer rings initially revolved in the opposite direction from that of the middle ring. Their initial angle about the circular trajectory was set randomly on each trial.
In the two-ring experiment, in half of the trials two targets were designated, one in each ring. In the other half of trials, only one target was designated, its ring randomly chosen. In the three-ring experiment, there were two or three targets, each in a randomly-chosen ring, with the constraint that each ring could contain only one target.
All the objects in a given ring always revolved about fixation in the same direction and at the same speed. Each ring was assigned an independent series of reversal times which succeeded each other at random intervals between 1.2 and 2 s. The initial angle of each ring (position of the arcs in the circular trajectory) was set randomly.
At the end of the trial, one ring was indicated with a recording of the first author saying “inner,” “outer,” or “middle.” The participant used the mouse to indicate which of the objects in the corresponding ring was the target. For the three-ring experiment, in one-third of trials participants were prompted to indicate the target in the inner trajectory, in one-third the middle trajectory, and one-third the outer trajectory. For the two-ring experiment, in half of trials participants were prompted to indicate the target in the inner trajectory and in half of trials that in the outer trajectory.
All objects revolved about fixation at the same speed throughout a given trial. A range of speeds (0.05–1.2 rps) was presented. The particular speeds for each condition and person were chosen based on piloting. Each person participated in at least 480 trials of an experiment (two-ring or three-ring), which usually involved two sessions, each shorter than fifty minutes.
Considering first the two-ring experiment, for every number-of-objects condition in every participant, the threshold speed limit was lower for two targets than for one. Paired t tests comparing two targets to one in each condition yielded a p-value of 0.001 or less, three objects, t(5) = 8.77; six objects, t(5) = 8.1; nine objects, t(5) = 6.6; 12 objects, t(5) = 10.5. Threshold speeds were also slower for three targets than for two (three-ring experiment) for each number of objects condition, from three to 12, t(6) = 15.1, t(6) = 4.4, t(6) = 7.4, t(6) = 7.5, all ps less than 0.005.
As with the one-target condition, in the two- and three-target conditions (the three-ring experiment) the threshold speeds decreased markedly with number of objects. Simple linear regression documents this for two targets from six to 12 objects, b = −0.063, r2 = 0.64, t(20) = −5.86, p < 0.001, for two targets from three to 12 objects, b = −0.094, r2 = 0.72, t(27) = −8.21, p < 0.001, for three targets from six to 12 objects, b = −0.044, r2 = 0.57, t(20) = −4.99, p < 0.001, for three targets from three to 12 objects, b = −0.061, r2 = 0.58, t(27) = −5.99, p < 0.001. Recall that we perform analyses without the three-object condition as the three-object condition may be constrained by a speed limit whereas it appears the other conditions are not, as documented next.
For six to 12 objects in the three-ring experiment, it appears that temporal frequency limits performance as it did in the two-ring experiment. Thresholds expressed as temporal frequency are relatively constant, with all regressions not statistically significant: for two targets from six to 12 objects, b = −0.084, r2 = 0.05, t(20) = −0.97, p = 0.345, for two targets from three to 12 objects, b = 0.034, r2 = 0.01, t(27) = 0.58, p = 0.569, for three targets from six to 12 objects, b = −0.045, r2 = 0.04, t(20) = −0.82, p = 0.423, for three targets from three to 12 objects, b = 0.021, r2 = 0.01, t(27) = 0.52, p = 0.61.
The limiting temporal frequency was lower for the two-targets condition (∼4.4 Hz) than for the one-target condition (∼7 Hz) (two-ring experiment). With thresholds expressed as temporal frequency, target number was significant according to a repeated-measures ANOVA with number of objects and number of targets as factors, F(1, 5) = 110.6, p < 0.001, and also when the three-object condition (where performance might be limited by speed not temporal frequency) was excluded from the ANOVA, F(1, 5) = 94.773, p < 0.001.
The hypothesis that an ∼4 Hz limit constrained tracking of two targets (mean 4.4 Hz for six through 12 objects in the two-ring experiment) is corroborated by the two-target condition in the three-ring experiment, which shows a similar temporal frequency threshold despite the use of different stimuli (mean 4.0 Hz).
For the two-target condition, the apparent temporal frequency limit of 4 Hz is so low that the corresponding speed in the three-object condition is lower than the original one-target speed limit. An implication is that were the speed limit still ∼1.7 rps, it could not be seen in the thresholds because the temporal frequency limit is hit first. For a speed limit to be visible, it would have to be substantially lower than the 1.7 rps one-target limit, which would manifest as a lower temporal frequency limit for three objects than for more objects. Some support for this can be seen in the data—the 3.9 Hz three-object threshold is significantly worse than the mean 4.4 Hz of the other conditions, t(20) = −2.57, p = 0.018, according to a linear contrast analysis. This tentatively suggests that the speed limit decreased to approximately 1.3 rps.
For the three-ring experiment contrasting three targets with two targets, thresholds are again substantially poorer for the larger target load. The threshold temporal frequencies are 3.9 Hz for two targets and 2.6 Hz for three targets, F(1, 6) = 94.385, p < 0.001. Excluding the three-object condition that may be limited by speed rather than temporal frequency, the comparison remained significant, F(1, 6) = 43.902, p = 0.001.
For the three-target case, these data do not reveal whether a speed constraint limits performance. With the temporal frequency limit approximately 2.6 Hz, in the three-object condition this is already exceeded by speeds above 0.87 rps. If the speed limit fell from two to three targets, it would have had to fall below 0.87 rps to constrain performance. As the speed threshold measured was 0.8 rps (2.4 Hz), close to 2.6 Hz, it seems more likely that temporal frequency constrains performance.
To put any findings of speed limit differences in perspective, we calculated the predictions of an extreme scenario—that participants can only track one object and must guess on the half of trials for which they track the wrong target. On this model, for the half of trials where a participant tracks the target that is subsequently queried, predicted performance for that speed is provided by the one-target logistic curve fit. On the other half of trials, participants guess and therefore perform at chance. Because according to this model participants guess on half of trials, performance can never exceed the level halfway between chance and the ceiling (reflecting a 1% lapse rate, the ceiling is 99.33% with three objects).
The threshold speeds of the model were calculated in the same way as that of the data—from the psychometric curve, extracting the speed at which performance fell to the midpoint threshold (e.g., 66% for the three-object condition, halfway between 99.33% and 33.33% correct).
Because actual performance is close to 100% at slow speeds (as shown in
Figure 3), participants clearly can track more than one object at slow speeds. They are certainly not guessing on 50% of trials. But as speed increases, performance approaches the model prediction. It eventually falls below the prediction, which at first may seem paradoxical. After all, it means that at those speeds participants would have been better off tracking only a single target and guessing on the other. If they had done that, they would have matched the model performance.
Figure 6 shows the empirical threshold speeds for the two-ring experiment along with the threshold speeds of the capacity-one model for the two-target condition.
In every condition, the empirical two-target speed limit is even slower than that predicted by the capacity-one model. A repeated-measures ANOVA indicates the difference between the empirical and predicted speed thresholds is significant, F(1, 5) = 46.523, p = 0.001.
How is it that performance is worse than this seemingly worst-case model? If participants do not have sufficient tracking resources to track both targets of the two-target condition at high speeds but nonetheless attempt to track both, they can end up with worse performance than if they had only attempted to track one. Splitting the tracking resource apparently results in insufficient resource per target for tracking to succeed, implying that the resource versus performance function (Norman & Bobrow,
1975; Pastukhov, Fischer, & Braun,
2008) is sufficiently steep at high speeds that going from 100% resource to 50% resource causes performance to fall farther than halfway towards chance, as depicted in
Figure 7.
In the experiments of Holcombe and Chen (
2012), we also found performance to be lower than the capacity-one model, but the difference was not statistically significant in those experiments.
At very low speeds/temporal frequencies, participants have no problem tracking two or even three targets, consistently achieving performance levels above 95% (as seen in
Figure 3). This implies that the performance versus resource function is different (shallower) for low speeds. Going from 100% resource (one target) to 50% (two targets) or 33% (three targets) yields little impairment. The reason may be that in this regime of low speeds, even if participants fail to move their tracking focus with the targets for an extended interval (a few hundred milliseconds), they can still recover the targets by finding the objects closest to the positions they last registered. Only at limiting temporal frequencies or speeds is there a consequence to having noisy (parallel tracking models, see
General discussion) or intermittent (serial tracking models) position updating.
The slowest speed varied somewhat across conditions and participants, as it was set on a per-participant basis to be slow enough to allow near-perfect performance. According to the spatial interference hypothesis of Franconeri et al. (Franconeri et al.,
2008; Franconeri et al.,
2010; Franconeri,
in press), as the number of targets increases, the maximum performance level should decline with numbers of targets and/or number of objects. However the data do not show a significant effect in that direction.
A repeated-measures ANOVA with number of objects and number of targets as factors yielded no significant effect contrasting one versus two targets (the two-ring experiment) or two versus three targets (the three-ring experiment). Specifically, there was no significant effect of target number for one versus two targets, F(1, 5) = 4.16, p = 0.097, or for two versus three targets, F(1, 6) = 5.76, p = 0.053, a nonsignificant object number effect for one versus two targets, F(3, 15) = 2.88, p = 0.071, and for two versus three targets, F(3, 18) = 0.972, p = 0.428, and no interactions between target and number of objects for one versus two targets, F(3, 15) = 3.048, p = 0.061, and for two versus three targets, F(3, 18) = 0.385, p = 0.765.
Post-hoc tests revealed that the near-significant effect with a second target was caused by a deficit for the six-object condition. For example, the accuracy for the slowest speed for six objects (91%) is significantly worse than for the nine-object condition (100% correct),
p = 0.018. The data (
Figure 3) suggest that this was a result of not using slow enough speeds for the six-object condition for participants SM and LH (purple lines in the fifth column of the top of
Figure 3). It certainly does not fit with the spatial interference prediction of worst performance for the 12-object condition. Regarding the three-target condition, from the graphs in
Figure 3 it is apparent that the speed thresholds were so slow that for some conditions the speeds included were not slow enough to capture the asymptote of the psychometric function, which may explain the near-significant effect of number of target (
p = 0.053) and number of objects (
p = 0.071) reported in the previous paragraph. Slower speeds would be needed to assess spatial interference at speeds where the hypothesized low temporal frequency limit has not yet begun to affect performance.
If the 7 Hz temporal frequency limit on tracking a target reflects the same processing that limits relative phase judgments of two flickering lights (more on that in the discussion), then there should be little effect of eccentricity. This presumes that Aghdaee and Cavanagh (
2007) were correct to conclude that there is little effect of eccentricity on relative phase judgments. They tested long-range phase discrimination at 4° and 14° and found that 75% thresholds were 11.4 Hz for 4° and 8.9 Hz for 14°. This 28% decline in temporal resolution is small relative to the 288% decline in spatial resolution of attention for the same eccentricities (Intriligator & Cavanagh,
In addition to a temporal frequency limit change with eccentricity, the speed limit that appears to constrain three-object performance also might change with eccentricity. Holcombe and Chen (
2012) reported a nonsignificant trend for speed limits to be lower for larger eccentricities.
To examine the effect of eccentricity on putative speed limits and temporal frequency limits, we report statistics separately for the three-object condition as it is likely to be limited by speed whereas the rest appear to be temporal frequency limited. There were no significant effects, as detailed below. In the case of the speed limit, this suggests it is imposed not by linear speed, which was much greater for larger eccentricities. This could conceivably be explained by a limit on tracking object movement per unit area of retinotopic cortex, as receptive field size may scale linearly with eccentricity. However for speed limit in revolutions per second to be the same across eccentricities, rather than merely proportional, requires that the scaling constant be one, but empirically most are not, either in physiology or psychophysics (Strasburger, Rentschler, & Jüttner,
2011). The revolutions per second limit therefore remains mysterious. Verstraten et al. (
2000) suggested it may correspond to a limit on mental rotation (Shepard & Metzler,
1971; Cooper,
For the two-ring experiment, a three-way repeated-measures ANOVA with threshold speed as the dependent variable was conducted with target number (tracking one or tracking two targets), object number (three, six, nine, and 12 object conditions), and eccentricity (2.5° and 5.5°), and their interactions as factors. For the three-objects condition, the eccentricity effect, F(1, 5) = 2.142, p = 0.203, was not significant according to a repeated-measures ANOVA with eccentricity and number of targets as factors and neither were its interactions. For the remaining conditions (six to 12 objects), the ANOVA included number of objects as well as eccentricity and target number and eccentricity was also nonsignificant, F(1, 5) = 0.001, p = 0.974, as were the interactions. The average speed limit across all conditions for a single target was 1.1 rps at 2.5° and 1.0 rps at 5.5° and for two targets 0.7 rps at 2.5° and 5.5°.
For the three-ring experiment, three-objects condition, in a repeated-measures ANOVA with eccentricity and number of targets as factors, eccentricity was not significant, F(2, 12) = 0.409, p = 0.673, and neither was the interaction. For the remaining conditions (six to 12 objects), the interactions were not significant but the eccentricity effect was marginally significant, F(2, 12) = 3.503, p = 0.063. Post-hoc tests revealed that the middle ring (0.45 rps) threshold speed was significantly faster than the outer ring (0.38 rps). The average threshold speed across four object conditions for two targets was 0.7 rps at 1.5° and 4.5° and 0.6 rps at 12° and for three targets 0.4 rps at 1.5°, 0.5 rps at 4.5°, and 0.6 rps at 12°. Possible differences like these with more than one target must be interpreted with caution, because with more than one target present, participants may pay more (or less) attention to rings that seem to them to be harder to track, distorting any intrinsic difference in threshold speeds across the rings (which were nonsignificant in the one-target condition, as reported above).
In agreement with Verstraten et al. (
2000), our data indicate the presence of both a speed limit and a temporal frequency limit on tracking a single target. Tracking additional targets lowers the temporal frequency limit from approximately 7 Hz for one target to about 4 Hz for two targets and 2.6 Hz for three targets. This reduction of temporal resolution was sufficiently large that the speed limit could not be reliably assessed when more than one target was tracked. Tentatively, the speed limit appears to have decreased from 1.7 rps to 1.3 rps for two targets. Decisive evidence must await future studies testing fewer than three objects in an array.
We know of no other work testing the effect of load on temporal resolution of any visual task. This issue of the temporal resolution of vision generally is discussed below after consideration of current theories of tracking.
Published theories of tracking have been designed to explain effects of speed, target number, and spacing. None have explicitly addressed temporal frequency, yet here we varied spacing and speed widely and found temporal frequency to be the primary constraint on performance.
Theories positing that spatial interference or resolution is the primary constraint on tracking performance do not explain these results (Franconeri et al.,
2010). Spatial interference is also unable to explain the load-dependent speed limit on tracking, particularly when widely-spaced objects are used, as here, or travel distance is equated across speeds, as in Holcombe and Chen,
2012. Spatial interference certainly occurs in situations where the objects come closer to each other than they did in the present experiments. Indeed, the papers supporting a role for spatial interference used displays with objects that approached closer than the Bouma crowding distance (Franconeri et al.,
2010; Tombu & Seiffert,
What are the consequences of these temporal limits for tracking with the random trajectories of typical MOT experiments? Other researchers rarely or never use speeds that exceed the speed limit documented here, but the targets in their displays likely do run afoul of the temporal frequency limits. For example, a 2.6 Hz limit (found here with three targets) suggests that when a distracter occupies a region within 386 ms of a target occupying it, tracking performance will be poor. This will occur frequently with the unconstrained trajectories of typical MOT tasks. Many laboratories routinely require participants to track four targets, for which the temporal frequency limit may be even lower.
With the exception of Franconeri's spatial interference theory, most tracking theories have some scope to predict temporal limits that worsen with load. But while some theories can accommodate the phenomenon because they are vague, there is one theory for which the temporal frequency effects are a consequence of its core assumptions. This is the serial sampling theory of tracking multiple objects.
Given the massively parallel architecture of the visual system, serial theories may seem implausible. However, the recent evidence that neural oscillations may coordinate serial sampling of visual stimuli (VanRullen, Carlson, & Cavanagh,
2007; Landau & Fries,
2012) suggests they should be considered.
According to the serial switching idea (Pylyshyn & Storm,
1988), target positions are updated one at a time. When it comes time to update a target's position, the only information available is its last-sampled position, so the best that can be done is to go to the object that is nearest the target's last-sampled position and assume it is the target. The critical stimulus variable determining whether tracking succeeds is that which determines whether, after a given duration (the intersampling interval), the object speeds and their spacing are such that a distracter is closest to the previous position of the target. This is half the limiting cycle duration, so the limiting temporal frequency is the inverse of twice that duration.
For a particular temporal frequency (e.g., 7 Hz or 143 ms in a cycle), a distracter will always be closer to the target's sampled position after half a cycle (71.5 ms). A particular duration between position updates therefore naturally predicts a corresponding temporal frequency limit.
The serial theory predicts that the maximum temporal frequency will decline dramatically with the number of targets to track. With two targets, each target will be visited only half as often, and therefore the required cycle duration should double.
Strangely, this fundamental prediction does not seem to have been stated in any published discussion of serial sampling theory (e.g., Oksama & Hyönä,
2008; Tripathy, Ogmen, & Narasimhan,
2011). According to its logic, the 4.15 Hz limit observed here for two targets indicates that 60 ms are required to sample one target position and switch to the other. The predicted results for three targets are then 2.78 Hz, not far from the mean 2.6 Hz observed. The one-target case may be special and is discussed in the
Temporal resolution of high-level vision section below.
The distinct speed limit that appears to constrain performance with three objects before the temporal frequency limit is reached requires a separate assumption—unlike the temporal frequency limit, it cannot be a direct consequence of serial switching.
The speed limit and its decrease with load might be accommodated in this framework by assuming that the farther an object is from its last recorded location the more likely the spotlight will not reacquire it, even without any ambiguity regarding the nearest object. With higher loads, the target will have traveled further since the last update, reducing the speed limit.
To explain the hemispheric independence of tracking (Alvarez & Cavanagh,
2005; Holcombe & Chen,
2012), more than one sampler must be proposed—at least one in each hemisphere operating concurrently.
Howe, Cohen, Pinto, and Horowitz (
2010) found evidence against serial theories using a sequential versus simultaneous comparison of object movement conditions. In the simultaneous condition with two targets, the targets in the display all moved simultaneously. In the sequential condition when one target was moving, the other was always stationary. Under a serial model, in the sequential condition the tracking might be able to ignore each target when it was stationary and thus sample the moving target more frequently, improving performance relative to the simultaneous condition. But Howe et al. (
2010) found that performance was no better in the sequential condition which supports parallel models. This conclusion may however only rule out a certain class of serial models—those in which the serial process can rapidly (more often than every 500 ms) vary which targets it visits without any cost.
The serial theory predicts that represented target positions should lag their actual positions and that this lag should increase with the number of targets tracked. Evidence for this was reported by Howard and Holcombe (
2008). Iordanescu, Grabowecky, and Suzuki (
2009) found extrapolation rather than lag, but when Howard, Masom, and Holcombe (
2011) did a very similar experiment with several variants, in every case they found lags. The discrepant results may reflect the presence of an extrapolation mechanism (Roach, McGraw, & Johnston,
2011; Howe & Holcombe,
2012) that can counteract the lag to varying extents, depending on stimulus parameters.