The work by Gogel (
1982) examined the role of extra-retinal information in the segmentation problem. Gogel's “theory of phenomenal geometry” (Gogel,
1990) describes the geometry of perceived shape and perceived movement of objects in terms of perceptual factors, highlighting the importance of perceived distance. According to Gogel (
1990), perceived distance is important even in the absence of visual distance cues. In this case, equidistance and specific distance tendencies are used for its determination. Wexler, Panerai, Lamouret, and Droulez (
2001) also looked at the role of extra-retinal information and discovered differences between moving and stationary observers when presented with the same visual stimulus, indicating that action influences depth perception. Wexler, Lamouret, and Droulez (
2001) further showed that the visual system prefers stationary (in a world-fixed reference frame) over rigid interpretations. Dyde and Harris (
2008) manipulated retinal and extra-retinal egomotion cues available to the observer and found an effect of errors in perceived egomotion on the judgment of object movement. Royden and Hildreth (
1996) and Warren and Saunders (
1995) also looked for interactions between egomotion and object motion and found that moving objects cause a small bias in the perceived heading direction when the object crosses the observer's path, indicating that the human brain does not segment egomotion from object motion in these circumstances. This misjudgment has been assigned a possible role of aiding in evading or intercepting animate objects. A heading model using motion-opponent operators was proposed to explain these findings (Royden,
2002). The work from Brenner (
1991) and Brenner and van den Berg (
1996) suggested that the judgment of object velocity depends neither on distance information nor on detailed knowledge of egomotion, but rather on the movement of the most distant structures in the scene, both in monocular and binocular situations. Warren and Rushton (
2009a) pointed out that the stimuli used in these studies provide only limited information regarding egomotion and instead demonstrated that depth information (monocular or binocular) is important. They showed that the judgment of object movement is poorer when depth order is specified by parallax alone but approaches the performance achieved with binocular depth information when additional monocular cues are added. Rushton and Warren (
2005) proposed the “flow-parsing hypothesis” according to which the brain parses retinal motion into the components due to egomotion and object motion by globally subtracting the optical flow due to egomotion. Specific tests ruled out a strictly local processing mechanism such as local motion contrast (Warren & Rushton,
2009b). Further evidence was obtained for the existence of the flow-parsing mechanism in the assessment of object trajectory in 3D (Warren & Rushton,
2007) and 2D (Warren & Rushton,
2008) scenes as well as during visual search for moving objects (Rushton et al.,