This study examined whether the bottom-up guidance of attention by size was affected by the perceived size of the object. Here, it was found that larger objects, as determined by the Müller–Lyer illusion, captured attention even though all of the objects had the same number of pixels. Participants detected the presence of a vertical target made longer by apparent size more efficiently than when a distractor was made longer by apparent size. The task was made more difficult by the complex configuration of each item with the additional task-irrelevant oriented bars (Proulx & Egeth,
2006); this aspect was controlled for by calculating the slope ratio to account for task difficulty brought about by target–distractor discriminability to allow comparison with other features in the attention capture literature. Despite this increase in task difficulty, the guidance of attention by apparent size was stronger than that of actual size in a previous study (Proulx,
2010) and that reported for luminance contrast (Proulx & Egeth,
2006), and even greater than that reported for the abrupt onset of a new object (Yantis & Jonides,
1984). Of course, these comparisons are taken across studies in the literature with other experimental differences, and future work making direct comparisons of the attention capturing ability of these visual features would be of great interest.
In the present study, a number of manipulations were important to attribute the results to apparent rather than retinal size. For example, the number of pixels was kept constant among all items and it allowed an increase in the apparent length of an object without lengthening the central segment that was crucial for the task. This is because the overall length of the configuration was increased by the addition of the inward-facing or outward-facing wings to the central line segments that were displayed at either vertical or 30° from vertical. Thus, the increase in the size of the configuration would not enhance the detection of a vertical central segment. Although a saliency analysis of actual increased length would result in higher contrast at the location of the longer item, the additional orientation contrast created by the Müller–Lyer wings would eliminate any such boost in low-level salience (Harel, Koch, & Perona,
2006). In fact, the addition of the other segments makes the primary task more difficult in two additional ways: first, the orientation of the central segment is harder to detect with additional orientation heterogeneity added to the display as demonstrated by the elevated absent and non-singleton search slopes compared to other studies of attentional capture (Proulx,
2010); second, the target template must either remain just the central, vertical segment or instead comprise of two distinct configurations featuring a vertical segment and wings that face inward in one case and outward for the other. Given that the configuration that had the most efficient search slope was also the least often to appear, we suggest that apparent length, rather than overall configuration length, gave rise to attentional capture. In addition, even though the primary task was made more difficult by the addition of the wings, it is surprising to see that this manipulation resulted in some of the strongest attentional capture results ever reported in terms of slope ratio, which even accounts for task difficulty. In some ways, this parallels the arguments of Müller and Busch (
2006) who noted that the distracting contextual information in their study made the primary task more difficult; however, this was overcome by the strength of the size illusion (p. 697). It is important to note, however, that overall length could still be a primary factor even though this includes distracting information. This makes the greater magnitude of the attentional capture effect compared to retinal length surprising, however, and suggests that the manipulation of apparent size confers additional benefits for attracting attentional priority. Further addressing these alternatives would be an important avenue for future research on this important topic.
The present experiment has demonstrated for the first time that apparent size can also capture attention and, thus, guide attention on the basis of bottom-up salience independent of the top-down task set of the observer, thus fulfilling the necessary criteria for the capture of attention (Burnham,
2007). Further analysis revealed that the longer Müller–Lyer object received a greater degree of attentional priority than published results for other features such as retinal size, luminance contrast, and the abrupt onset of a new object. Although it might be surprising that greater length as created by the Müller–Lyer illusion captures attention to a greater degree than retinal size, this finding might be predicted when natural image statistics are considered. Howe and Purves (
2005) discovered that the Müller–Lyer manipulation of adding wings to a line segment might not be an illusion at all but instead provide a better representation of how size is computed normally. They found that the perception of size by the Müller–Lyer effect arises from a probabilistic process relating the likeliest real-world source for the retinal image that is produced; in this sense, the Müller–Lyer effect is not an illusion at all but a highly probable and accurate perception based on the forms of contextual information that are used normally to perceive size. The study of why size and apparent size matters in vision will benefit from further work that addresses how contextual information influences the apparent size of an object, from primary visual cortex to association areas that are the neural basis of attentional priority.