Recently, there is accumulating evidence for a high-level (extrastriate) deficit in amblyopia. High-level visual processing is often thought of in terms of motion processing by the dorsal pathway and/or form processing by the ventral pathway. The psychophysical literature suggests that the processing along both of these pathways can be compromised in amblyopia for tasks involving segregation of signal from noise, for example, motion coherence (Aaen-Stockdale & Hess,
2008; Constantinescu, Schmidt, Watson, & Hess,
2005; Ellemberg, Hess, & Arsenault,
2002; Ho et al.,
2005; Simmers, Ledgeway, Hess, & McGraw,
2003; Simmers, Ledgeway, Mansouri, Hutchinson, & Hess,
2006) and form coherence (Simmers & Bex,
2004; Simmers, Ledgeway, & Hess,
2005). However, for tasks involving pure signal integration of global stimuli (e.g., orientation or direction averaging), the evidence suggests that both dorsal and ventral functions are normal in amblyopia (Hess, Mansouri, Dakin, & Allen,
2006; Mansouri, Allen, & Hess,
2005; Mansouri, Allen, Hess, Dakin, & Ehrt,
2004; Mansouri & Hess,
2006). Here we use a structure-from-motion task that while involving pure signal integration (all dots contain signal and together define a single surface) also involves the integration of motion information derived from dorsal and shape information derived from ventral pathways, at a higher level in the pathway than previously investigated with global motion and form tasks (Peuskens et al.,
2004). Since amblyopic performance is normal on signal integration tasks (orientation and motion direction averaging) that rely, individually, on either dorsal or ventral integration, an abnormality in amblyopic processing of SFM stimuli would suggest a selective deficit for combining the information across these two pathways.