(A) The schematic shows the model as reported in PCMB. The stimulus was Fourier transformed, filtered for upward and downward motion, and inverse Fourier transformed. Next, the maximum of the upward and downward filter outputs were computed and subtracted, yielding “upwards motion energy.” The model, however, is more complex than reported (see
Figure 5 in
Appendix IV for full details). Inspection of their code shows that after the upward- and downward-motion filtering, the result is windowed (inset with superimposed red windows) and the maximum is taken over space at each time point. A second nonlinear operation is carried out, where the absolute value of the minimum up-down motion energy over time is subtracted from the maximum. Finally, the above operations are carried out for both the two-bar and three-bar stimuli, and the results are normalized by the maximum of the two outputs (see Appendix IV.1). (B) Simulation results for different filter widths (
wd). Data points mark model outputs and solid lines mark best fitting cumulative Gaussian functions. Results and fits for the two-bar condition are plotted in red, while those for the three-bar condition are plotted in black. For each sub-plot, the x-axis plots the phase offset
δ (see
Figure 2), while the
y-axis plots the model's upwards motion bias. (C) PCMB's human psychophysical data (solid curves) with superimposed model results (dashed curves) selected from the
wd = 0.67 filter for the two-bar condition and from the
wd = 1.01 filter for the three-bar condition (see black arrow). (D) Filter selection rather than filter sensitivity matters. Assume no filters can discriminate between the two- and three-bar stimuli. In this case, the black curves would, for example, be identical to the red curves. Still, we obtain very similar model outputs when we take the outputs from the
wd = 0.67 and
wd = 1.01 filters (see red arrows projecting from B to D). The very same situation occurs if there is no Ternus motion, i.e., when we filter the two-bar stimulus with the same choice of filters, see
Figure 4B.