During active observer movement in the natural environment, the resultant pattern of retinal image motion is highly dependent on the scene layout (Helmholtz,
1925; Gibson, Gibson, Smith, & Flock,
1959). This visual cue, often called motion parallax, provides powerful information about the boundaries between objects and their relative depth differences; it can reliably provide 3-D scene layout and help enable navigation in the environment (Helmholtz,
1925). Two distinct types of motion boundaries are formed as a result of this retinal image motion. Boundaries that are parallel to the direction of observer movement provide a shearing motion, in which the only source of information regarding depth differences is relative motion. Boundaries that are orthogonal to the direction of observer movement provide dynamic occlusion, in which the front surface dynamically covers and uncovers the far surface. In this situation, two sources of depth information are available: relative motion of texture elements, more specifically, the optic flow component “expansion-compression,” which is comparable to that of the shear motion, and, additionally, the covering and uncovering of parts of the farther texture, i.e., “accretion-deletion,” which can provide powerful information for depth sign (Yonas, Craton, & Thompson,
1987). Thus accretion-deletion and expansion-compression are two distinct components of the dynamic occlusion phenomenon.
Most previous studies of motion parallax examined the simpler case of shearing motion (Rogers & Graham,
1982; Ujike & Ono,
2001; Yoonessi & Baker,
2011a), demonstrating that it could provide reliable depth ordering and magnitude. Controlling a shear motion stimulus is simpler, and the results are easier to interpret due to the absence of multiple cues. But while dynamic occlusion provides significantly more powerful information for depth (Cutting & Vishton,
1995), its contribution to motion parallax has only begun to be explored (Rogers & Graham,
1983; Ono, Rogers, Ohmi, & Ono,
1988). The relative motion information in dynamic occlusion is comparable to that of shear motion parallax whereas accretion and deletion of texture on partially occluded surfaces provides additional, particularly powerful information for depth ordering. In this paper, we will examine how these two kinds of information contribute to depth from motion parallax with dynamic occlusion.
Accretion-deletion and expansion-compression are fundamentally different in their dependence on head movements for effective contribution to depth. Dynamic occlusion stimuli containing accretion and deletion of texture elements can provide reliable depth percepts in the absence of accompanying head movement (Gibson, Kaplan, Reynolds, & Wheeler,
1969; Kaplan,
1969; Thompson, Mutch, & Berzins,
1985; Yonas et al.,
1987; Craton & Yonas,
1990; Hegdé, Albright, & Stoner,
2004; Kromrey, Bart, & Hegdé,
2011). Depth relationships from relative motion (either expansion-compression or shear), however, are ambiguous without head movement information, i.e., relative motion information by itself cannot disambiguate depth sign. Thus, in the absence of accretion-deletion, the depth order from relative motion can only be disambiguated with extraretinal information, which normally arises from synchronous head movement. It is an open question whether the extraretinal information accompanying head movement might also enhance the utility of accretion-deletion for depth perception.
In natural motion parallax, accretion and deletion of textures occurs in association with synchronous boundary motion. Hence, accompanying boundary motion might play an important role in how accretion-deletion contributes to depth. On the other hand, utilizing relative motion information does not particularly depend on the motion of the boundary. If, in the absence of the boundary motion, depth perception disappeared, it would suggest a greater role for accretion-deletion. But if, in the absence of relative motion information, depth perception changed significantly, a greater role for expansion-compression might be suggested.
Here, we devised experimental conditions to examine the contributions of relative motion (expansion-compression) and accretion-deletion to depth perception. Depth perception was assessed with a psychophysical task in which observers performed two-alternative forced choice (2AFC) judgments of the perceived relative depth order of two surfaces. The stimulus consisted of alternating strips of random dots, whose relative motion was synchronized to the observer's head movement in such a way as to simulate a range of relative depths. In order to assess how dynamic occlusion supports depth perception across a broad range of simulated depth, we devised a “Cue-Consistent” condition in which the expansion-compression and accretion-deletion cues signaled similar depth signs, mimicking ecological conditions. Furthermore, we tested the relative strengths of expansion-compression and accretion-deletion cues by creating a “Cue-Conflict” condition (which would not occur in the natural world), in which the two cues were placed in conflict with one another and signaled opposing depth signs.
To further analyze the contribution of each of these sources of information to psychophysical performance and assess the nature of cue combination, we designed experimental conditions with different levels of contribution for expansion-compression and accretion-deletion. In order to minimize the contribution of accretion-deletion, we employed a “Fixed-Boundary” condition, which would greatly reduce the contribution of accretion-deletion. To measure how accretion-deletion supports depth perception when accompanying expansion-compression is ambiguous, we tested a “Playback” condition in which observers were stationary, and only accretion-deletion information could disambiguate the depth. We further investigated to what extent depth is obtainable by expansion-compression or accretion-deletion in isolation by creating “Transparent” and “Accretion-Deletion-Only” conditions, in which the only cue to disambiguate the depth was expansion-compression or accretion-deletion, respectively. The results indicate that expansion-compression contributes to depth from motion parallax across a broad range of depths although more so at smaller depths. Accretion-deletion alone is unable to provide any depth perception; however, it acts powerfully at larger depths to facilitate co-occurring relative motion, regardless of its informational validity.