What is the nature of a holistic pattern that allows parallel access to multiple locations? It seems to be a space, more specifically an (
y) plane, that the perceptual system uses to mark locations: marking (−1, −1) indicates that this location is occupied; marking (−1, −1) and (−1, 1) indicates that both of these locations are occupied. The critical point of this representation is that the presence of two locations can now be
labeled as a single concept. To compare this with the case of feature, a similar mechanism would be a
featural space. For example, in a color space used by the perceptual system to mark the presence of colors, marking “red” would indicate that the color red is present somewhere in the display, and marking both “red” and “green” would indicate the presence of both of these colors somewhere in the display. Obviously, this type of color space mechanism does
not exist. Three locations, when presented simultaneously, can be perceived as three corners of a triangle, but three colors (e.g., yellow, green, and blue) can never be perceived as a triangle in color space—conceptually, there is simply no such thing. Colors, and features in general, can only be accessed one at a time because they themselves are accessed as concepts (i.e., labels) rather than as values that can be checked (or unchecked) in a space. The presence of an (
y) plane is probably related to the very common retinotopical organization in the neural system, although it should also be mentioned that there is evidence to support the idea that the cortical areas primarily involved in color vision are also organized as color space (e.g., Zeki,
1980; see also Conway & Tsao,
2009; Kotake, Morimoto, Okazaki, Fujita, & Tamura,
2009). Therefore, the distinction between the presence of a location map and the absence of a color space is not self-evident from the neural mechanism, and there is plausibly a functional reason for this feature/location distinction (e.g., a strategy to deal with the computational load associated with the binding problem).