It is now well established that there are at least two motion systems enabling the processing of contrast-defined motion. One effective at low speeds and low contrasts and another for high speeds and high contrasts. For instance, Seiffert and Cavanagh (
1999) found that contrast-defined motion was processed by a position-based motion system (which suggests feature tracking) at low contrast and low speeds and by an energy-based motion system at high contrasts and high speeds. It has been shown that under some conditions the energy-based motion system processing contrast-defined motion could be the first-order motion system due to some form of artifact such as early nonlinearities (Scott-Samuel & Georgeson,
1999), nonlinearities at the contrast-normalization stage (Benton,
2004), local texture biases (Smith & Ledgeway,
1997) or low spatial frequency components in the carrier (Cropper & Johnston,
2001). Nonetheless, several authors using high contrast carriers found similar properties to the first-order motion system for the motion system processing contrast-defined motion and argued that this could not be due to any of these artifacts, so they concluded that there is a dedicated second-order motion system. The first- and second-order motion systems would have similar temporal frequency functions (Lu & Sperling,
2001), would be resistant to a static pedestal (Lu & Sperling,
2001) and would lose sensitivity with eccentricity at similar rates (Smith & Ledgeway,
1998). These authors argued that their contrast-defined motion could not be processed by the first-order motion system, but they did not consider residual distortion products, which was recently found to explain the texture contribution to motion at high temporal frequencies (Allard & Faubert,
2013) and in the periphery (except for very low spatial frequencies that can be processed by feature tracking). Thus, we conclude that the similar temporal sensitivity functions and sensitivity drops with eccentricity were observed because both stimuli were processed by the same motion system (i.e., first-order). This implies that under many conditions (especially for high contrast, high speed and/or in the periphery), energy-based contrast-defined motion processing could be due to distortion products being processed by the first-order motion system, not to a dedicated second-order motion system sharing similar properties with the first-order motion system.