Knowledge as to how the brain generalizes acquired visuomotor skills might represent a proxy to understand how the brain forms and stores motor knowledge. New data is emerging mainly from neurophysiological studies during visuomotor rotational adaptation. The brain representations of generalization of visuomotor learning seem to include the motor cortex (M1), supplementary motor area, and premotor area (Gandolfo, Li, Benda, Schioppa, & Bizzi,
2000; Orban de Xivry et al.,
2011; Paz, Boraud, Natan, Bergman, & Vaadia,
2003; Wise, Moody, Blomstrom, & Mitz,
1998). These studies have demonstrated that only a selective subpopulation of neurons in these areas, those with directional tuning values in or near the trained direction, participated in visuomotor adaptation. For instance, Paz et al. (
2003) recorded single-unit activity in M1 in nonhuman primates before, during, and after visuomotor adaptation. In accord with the localized patterns of behavioral generalization (Bock & Schmitz,
2011; Imamizu et al.
1995; Krakauer et al.,
2000; Roby-Brami & Burnod,
1995), changes in neuronal activity were mainly in neurons whose preferred direction was aligned with to the trained direction. Neurons tuned to directions far away from the trained direction did not change. This modulation often took the form of an increase in spiking rates (Paz et al.,
2003; Wise et al.,
1998). Based on these results and on those of the current work, we postulate that divided attention further reduced the neuronal directional representation of targets away from the trained direction. Thus, the patterns of generalization provide insight about the representation of internal models in the nervous system (Ghahramani & Wolpert,
1997; Imamizu et al.,