We calculated the percent happy responses for each participant, rigid head motion, intrinsic facial motion, facial expression, and morph level conditions separately for both the main experimental condition as well as the control conditions. The result for one representative participant is shown in
Figure 2.
We then fitted psychometric functions relating the proportion of happy responses to the morph level for each participant, rigid head motion level, intrinsic facial motion level, and facial expression separately. The psychometric functions were fitted in Matlab using a cumulative Weibull function of the form:
where gamma is the guessing rate, lambda is the lapse rate, alpha is the location of the psychometric function along the
x-axis (i.e., morph level), and beta is the slope of the psychometric function. For the fitting of the psychometric function we fixed gamma at zero and let the three remaining parameters (lambda, alpha, and beta) free to vary. Lambda was allowed to vary between 0% and 5% to account for response lapses, which can significantly affect the quality of the fit (Wichmann & Hill,
2001). The resulting psychometric functions fitted the individual data well (mean
r2 = 0.994;
SDr-sqr = 0.010).
The resulting average psychometric functions along with the proportion of correct responses are shown in
Figure 3. A shift of the psychometric functions along the
x-axis between happy and disgusted adaptor conditions is indicative of an adaptation effect. We will first discuss the results of main experimental conditions (black lines) showing dynamic adaptors and later the results of the control conditions (grey lines) showing static adaptors. Note that the adaptor appeared as a static neutral facial expression adaptor in the condition in which both rigid head and intrinsic facial movement were not available (top left panel of
Figure 3). In this condition we do not find a shift of the psychometric function suggesting no adaptation occurred with a static neutral adaptor. Adding rigid head movement to a static neutral adaptor (bottom left panel) only induces a minor shift of the psychometric functions in the direction opposite to what previous studies reported. Adding intrinsic facial movement to the static neutral adaptor leads to a somewhat bigger shift of the psychometric functions in the predicted direction (top right panel). That is, the psychometric function for the disgust adaptor is shifted towards lower happy intensities compared to the happy adaptor. Adding both intrinsic facial movement and head movement to a neutral static expression seems to lead to the largest adaptation effect with dynamic adaptors (bottom right panel). Finally the static adaptors showing the peak expression seem to induce the overall largest adaptation effect (see grey lines in all four panels).
To examine whether the observed differences between psychometric functions in the experimental conditions are statistically significant we looked at the shift of the psychometric functions at the point of subjective equality (PSE). The PSE is the morph level of the test stimulus for which participants are equally likely to give a happy or disgusted response (i.e., 0.5 proportion of happy answers). We determined the PSE for each psychometric function of each participant and experimental condition separately. We submitted the PSE of the main experimental conditions (everything but the control conditions) to a repeated measures ANOVA with rigid head motion, intrinsic facial motion, and facial expression of the adaptor as within-subject factors. Because different PSEs between happy and static adaptor conditions are indicative of an adaptation effect, the factor facial expression of the adaptor measures the adaptation effect. We found a significant main effect of rigid head motion, F(1, 9) = 5.811, p = 0.039, partial-eta-squared = 0.395. The main effects for facial expression of the adaptor, F(1, 9) = 3.336, p = 0.101, partial-eta-squared = 0.270, and intrinsic facial motion, F(1, 9) = 0.833, p = 0.385, partial-eta-squared = 0.085, were not significant. The interaction between facial expression of the adaptor and rigid head motion, F(1, 9) = 0.011, p = 0.918, partial-eta-squared = 0.001, and the interaction between intrinsic facial motion and rigid head motion, F(1, 9) = 1.922, p = 0.199, partial-eta-squared = 0.176, were not significant. The interaction between intrinsic facial motion and facial expression of the adaptor was significant, F(1, 9) = 5.960, p = 0.037, partial-eta-squared = 0.398. Finally the three way interaction between rigid head motion, intrinsic facial motion, and facial expression of the adaptor was significant, F(1, 9) = 10.165, p = 0.011, partial-eta-squared = 0.530. The significant three-way interaction suggests that the effect of happy and disgust adaptors was different for the different combinations of rigid head motion and intrinsic facial motion.
Figure 4 shows the significant three way interaction. We used a Bonferroni corrected paired
t test to examine for which combinations of rigid head motion and intrinsic facial motion we find a significant shift of the PSE. All paired
t tests were evaluated using an adjusted alpha level of 0.01 to accommodate a total of five comparisons (four comparisons for the dynamic adaptors and one for testing one interaction). When both rigid head motion and intrinsic facial motion were not available, the PSE difference between the happy and disgusted adaptor conditions was not significantly different (
M = −0.005,
SD = 0.039). We found no significant PSE difference between happy and disgusted adaptors conditions when rigid head motion was available but intrinsic facial motion was unavailable (
M = 0.013,
SD = 0.039). We found a significant difference in PSEs when intrinsic facial motion but not rigid head motion was available (
M = −0.030,
SD = 0.0039). Finally the PSEs were also significantly different when both rigid head motion and intrinsic facial motion were available (
M = −0.052,
SD = 0.039). Hence we only find adaptation effects when the intrinsic facial movement is available.
Does rigid head motion modulate the face adaptation effect when intrinsic facial movement is available (right panel of
Figure 4)? We calculated the PSE difference between happy and disgusted adaptor conditions for the rigid-head-motion-on and rigid-head-motion-off conditions at the level of intrinsic-facial-motion-on. We then compared the two PSE differences using the above mentioned Bonferroni corrected paired
t test. We found that the PSE difference was larger in the rigid-head-motion-on condition than in the rigid-head-motion-off condition (
M = 0.021,
SD = 0.039). This result suggests that rigid head motion is only able to modulate the facial expression adaptation effect if intrinsic facial movement is available.
The fact that rigid head motion modulates the facial expression adaption effect if intrinsic facial movement is available might seem contradictory to the nonsignificant two-way interaction between head motion and intrinsic facial motion in the main ANOVA above. Remember that the two-way interaction between head and intrinsic facial motion of the main ANOVA, however, does not include the factor facial expression of the adaptor, which measures the adaptation effect. Hence the two-way interaction between head and intrinsic facial movement does not allow inferences about the size of the adaptation effect. It therefore does not contradict the finding that rigid head motion is only able to modulate the facial expression adaptation effect if intrinsic facial movement is available.
Finally we were interested in whether the (facial expression) adaptation aftereffect is stronger for static adaptors than for dynamic adaptors. We compared the adaptation effect associated with adaptors that provide both rigid head motion and intrinsic facial motion with the adaptation effect induced by static peak expression adaptors. An uncorrected paired t test revealed that the adaptation effect was significantly larger with static than with dynamic adaptors, t(9) = 3.35, Mdiff = 0.075, SD = 0.071, p = 0.008.
Experiment 1 we found that the size of the adaptation aftereffect depended on the particular combination of available head and intrinsic facial movement cues of the adapting stimulus. The availability of certain facial movement cues is likely to influence the perceived intensity and clarity of a facial expression. As a result, it is possible that in conditions in which the facial expression of the adaptors were perceived as weak or ambiguous due to the lack of certain movement cues, the corresponding facial expression was less adaptated compared to a facial expression that was perceived as more intense or clear (i.e., unique). Accordingly one would expect the adaptation effect to be smaller in the first situation. The perceived clarity (uniqueness) and strength of the facial expression of the adapting stimulus might therefore modulate the adaptation aftereffect.
We examined the perceived strength and clarity of the adapting stimulus by means of a questionnaire in
Experiment 2. In particular, participants rated the adaptors of
Experiment 1 in terms of their emotional content. In addition we explicitly asked participants for clarity and intensity ratings of the displayed facial emotions. If the perceived clarity and strength of the facial expression are behind the observed effects we expect that the perceived clarity and intensity of the adaptors is associated with the magnitude of the adaptation effect. We examined the effect of the perceived clarity and intensity of the emotion on the modulation of the adaptation aftereffect by comparing participants' ratings of static adaptors to the ratings of dynamic adaptors. If the perceived clarity of the adaptor expression is responsible for the modulation of the adaptation aftereffect, we expect that the expressions of the static adaptors are rated as significantly more intense and clearer than any of the dynamic adaptors.