The model assumes that the information in the stimulus is represented by a sensory response function that consists of two separable parts: an amplitude function,
c), which depends on the contrast of the stimulus,
c, and a temporal response function,
t), which depends on the response characteristics of the visual filter. The amplitude function is assumed to be a Naka-Rushton function of the form
c in is a divisive inhibition term, which determines the horizontal position of the function on log-contrast axes (Boynton,
2005), and the constant
ρ describes the nonlinearity of contrast transduction in the early visual system. (The inhibition term is often written as
cin =
c0.5ρ, where
c0.5 is the so-called semisaturation constant, that is, the value of contrast at which the function attains half its maximum value of 1.0. We prefer to write it in the form in
Equation 4 because it decouples the effects of divisive inhibition from the effects of nonlinearity.)
Equation 4 or some variant of it have been widely used to model the psychophysics and neurobiology of visual contrast sensitivity (Foley,
1994; Heeger,
1991; Kaplan, Lee, & Shapley,
1990). The temporal response function,
t), is defined as
where Γ(
β, n) is the output of a linear filter comprised of
n identical exponential stages,
d is the stimulus duration. The quantities
βon and
βoff are filter time constants that determine the onset time (rise) and offset time (fall) of the filter response. The representation of
Equation 5 generalizes the usual linear system model of the visual temporal response (e.g., Sperling & Weichselgartner,
1995) to allow the rise and fall times of the filter to be different.
Equation 5 has low-pass filter characteristics; its effect is to transform a brief rectangular pulsed stimulus into a smooth time-varying function of the form shown in
Figure 6.
1 Further discussion of the properties of
Equation 5 may be found in Smith and Ratcliff (