When the images projected to each of the two eyes are largely different, observers usually experience a perceptual conflict termed binocular rivalry. During binocular rivalry, observers perceive only one of the two images at a time; the dominant image is unstable and switches unpredictably from one to the other (Levelt,
1965). There are sustained debates over questions concerning what constitutes this competition (e.g., Blake,
2001). One view is that binocular rivalry arises from interocular competition, whereas another view holds that binocular rivalry reflects a competition between incompatible representations of stimulus features comprising rivalrous images. Recently, these competing views have been integrated into a hybrid framework that assumes that rivalry involves competitive interactions at multiple levels of processing (Blake & Logothetis,
2002; Tong, Meng, & Blake,
2006; Wilson,
2003). The hybrid framework generally includes competitive interactions at the level of monocularly driven neurons, which account for eye-based competition, and competition among binocular feature-selective neurons at a higher level, which accounts for feature-based competition.
If binocular rivalry reflects neural competitions within such a multilevel visual processing scheme, then an experimental paradigm that allows us to separately examine eye- versus feature-based competitions would be a valuable investigative tool for assessing visual mechanisms at different levels. One important paradigm is known as “flash suppression.” This paradigm enlists a procedure in which presenting a stimulus prior to brief rivalrous stimuli biases determination of perceptual dominance during subsequent rivalry (Ooi & Loop,
1994; Wolfe,
1984). Both eye- and feature-based effects have been reported using this paradigm. Originally, this paradigm was introduced to produce eye-based effects using pattern stimuli (Wolfe,
1984). It has been demonstrated that when, prior to the onset of rivalrous test gratings, a half-image of the rivalrous gratings was presented in isolation for 1 s or so, this phenomenally suppressed the grating in the ipsilateral eye during rivalry. As a result, the orthogonal grating in the contralateral eye became perceptually dominant. Moreover, similar suppression was observed even when the preceding stimulus had features that differed from either rivalrous stimulus. This indicates that the observed suppression depended on the eye to which the half-image was presented during rivalry (eye of presentation) and not on the particular stimulus features; this is termed eye-based suppression. However, subsequent studies using colored as well as patterned stimuli showed that a monocular preceding stimulus could suppress the half-image of rivalrous stimuli that contained the same features as the preceding stimulus regardless of the eye of presentation (Ikeda & Morotomi,
2002). This indicated feature-based suppression. Feature-based suppression emerged with longer test durations (e.g., 200 ms), although Wolfe (
1984) mostly used much shorter duration (10 ms) and showed that the suppression simply decreased in magnitude with longer test duration when the test duration was varied. Ikeda and Morotomi (
2000) also introduced a binocular condition in which a preceding stimulus was presented binocularly and found feature-based suppression. Recently, Brascamp, Knapen, Kanai, van Ee, and van den Berg (
2007) demonstrated flash facilitation as well as suppression in this paradigm. Overall, previous findings suggest that pre-exposure to a stimulus can bias the resolution of subsequent rivalry in a systematic manner depending on various stimulus parameters.
The flash suppression paradigm can offer a useful method for probing visual mechanisms underlying rivalry resolution during the initial phase of binocular rivalry (“onset rivalry”; see also Brascamp et al.,
2007; Carter & Cavanagh,
2007). This paradigm would be particularly important in view of recent accumulating findings suggesting that onset rivalry exhibits different properties from rivalry during sustained viewing (Carter & Cavanagh,
2007; Chong & Blake,
2006; Kamphuisen, van Wezel, & van Ee,
2007; Sheth & Pham,
2008; Song & Yao,
When using this paradigm to investigate visual mechanisms underlying onset rivalry, it is important to distinguish two different procedures that have been included in the name of flash suppression. In one procedure, a monocular preceding stimulus and the rivalrous dichoptic stimuli are separated by an interstimulus interval (ISI), while in another procedure rivalrous stimuli were presented immediately after the preceding stimulus. Both procedures were used in Wolfe (
1984). However, the procedure without an ISI has been used in the majority of studies (e.g., Kreiman, Fried, & Koch,
2005; Leopold, Maier, Wilke, & Logothetis,
2005; Ooi & Loop,
1994), because it offers a very effective way to control the percept in a reliable manner. Nevertheless, the latter procedure may not be suitable for investigating onset rivalry. This is because what actually occurs in this procedure is that a novel stimulus is flashed to the other eye during monocular stimulation. The sudden onset of the novel stimulus produces a large transient signal in only one eye, which can immediately induce a dominance switch that favors the eye of presentation (Blake, Westendorf, & Fox,
1990; Walker & Powell,
1979). Consequently, observers see only the flashed stimulus. On this account, even when a preceding stimulus is presented binocularly, a large transient change occurring in only one eye may bias the dominance of rivalrous stimuli in an eye-based manner. Ikeda and Morotomi (
2002) did not interleave an ISI between the preceding and rivalrous test stimuli in most of their experiments; thus, it is not clear to what degree their findings concerned about a resolution of onset rivalry.
The present study only deals with the procedure in which the preceding and rivalrous test stimuli are separated by an ISI. With this procedure, we can investigate how a preceding stimulus modulates which of two rivalrous stimuli will gain perceptual dominance first when two test stimuli are switched on simultaneously (Brascamp et al.,
2007). For purposes of differentiation, we refer to this procedure as the “initial dominance modulation” (IDM) paradigm. The name “flash suppression” is much more suitable to a procedure that does not include an ISI.
The objectives of the present study were three-fold. The first objective was to investigate the nature of the modulating effects of the preceding stimulus in the IDM paradigm. Specifically, we investigated whether the type of suppression changes with manipulations of temporal parameters, such as the test duration and ISI, and determined stimulus conditions that could favor, respectively, eye- and feature-based suppression. The second objective was to explore possible differences between visual features in competitive interactions during onset rivalry. Previous studies have used stimuli differing in either color or pattern, but they have not thoroughly examined competitive interactions involving such stimulus features in comparable conditions. Thus, in
Experiment 1, we compared the modulating effects found with color and pattern stimuli using the same stimulus sequences in the IDM paradigm.
A third objective was to extend the investigation of differences between visual features, with the aim of exploring how color and pattern are integrated during onset rivalry using chromatic gratings. As will be shown, feature-based suppression can be reliably observed in certain stimulus conditions in
Experiment 1. We took advantage of this finding and investigated integration of color and pattern information in these conditions in
Experiment 2. As previous studies had already demonstrated misbinding of color and orientation with rivalrous chromatic gratings (e.g., Holmes, Hancock, & Andrews,
2006; Hong & Shevell,
2006), the present study specifically investigated the integration of color and orientation in the modulating effect of the preceding stimulus on feature-based competition in the IDM paradigm.