Figure 1 shows the luminance values in cd/m
2 for each bit value measured at the center of the screen with the full screen uniformly illuminated.
Table 1 contains a summary of several of the measured luminance properties under these conditions. The maximum luminance was greater on the PVM than the BVM by ∼30% with the tested display settings. Minimum luminance values reported are the lowest luminance values that were reliably detected by the photodiode. In the case of both displays, some number of the lowest bit values produced luminance levels that were too dark to measure (75 values for the BVM and 12 values for the PVM), so the reported minimum luminance reflects the luminance measured at the 76th and 13th bit values, respectively. The insets of
Figure 1 show a magnified view of the lowest 102 bit values, making this floor effect visible. In both cases, the first detectable luminance value matched the photodiode's sensitivity (0.01 cd/m
2). Because the OLED display panels have self-emitting pixels, the true minimum luminance is theoretically 0 cd/m
2. But for the purposes of display calibration it is useful to determine the bit value at which the minimum measureable luminance occurs. The contrast ratio reported is the ratio between the maximum and minimum luminance. These measurements depend greatly on the display settings, so they should just serve as an example of the luminance and contrast properties of the displays.
To determine the accuracy of the gamma correction (predicted to be a power function with an exponent of 2.2) on both displays, the luminance measurements were replotted on a logarithmic scale along with the predicted power function. On a logarithmic scale, a power function is linear. Deviations in the data from the slope of the prediction would indicate that the exponent of the power function is not exactly 2.2; deviations in the data from linearity would indicate that the luminance nonlinearity of the displays is not well fit by a power function.
Figure 2 shows the data in this format. The left-most panel shows the results using the default brightness and contrast setting on the BVM (those also plotted in the left panel of
Figure 1). Luminance measurements (a subset) are normalized and plotted as black circles, and the predicted power function is plotted as a gray line. The noise floor of the photodiode is visible in the noisy measurements below a normalized luminance of 10
−4. Beyond that noise floor, the data are clearly not linear, indicating that a power function is not a good approximation of the display's luminance nonlinearity. The central panel shows luminance values from the BVM when the display brightness (black level) was increased from the default (brightness was set to 50 instead of zero and luminance was remeasured at 32 of the bit values). With these altered settings, the luminance nonlinearity was well fit by a power function, with a best-fit power of 2.2 and a square root of the mean squared difference (RMSD) between the data and the prediction of 0.8 cd/m
2. The right-most panel shows the data for the PVM (which notably had the contrast setting reduced from default to avoid luminance saturation, as described in the
Methods), which are also well fit by a gamma power of 2.2 (RMSD = 0.2 cd/m
2). This suggests that in some circumstances, the brightness and contrast settings of the display may interact with its actual gamma correction, or may cause floor or saturation effects at the lowest and highest bit values (See Ito et al.,
2013, for additional analysis of display settings and saturation). Care should be taken in measuring the luminance values for a specific combination of display settings if one wants to undo the luminance nonlinearity for experimental purposes (“linearize” the display).
Measurements taken in the upper left corner of the displays had an RMSD from the center-screen measurements of 1.0 cd/m2 on the BVM and 1.2 cd/m2 on the PVM. Measurements taken with half-screen illumination had an RMSD from full screen illumination of 0.1 cd/m2 on the BVM and 0.2 cd/m2 on the PVM. This result, however, was contingent on not overpowering the display. That is, for some combinations of brightness and contrast, the luminance would saturate, and that saturation occurred at different bit values depending on the percentage of the screen being illuminated.
In Ito et al.'s (
2013) assessment of the PVM model, the luminance and spatial uniformity measured with comparable display settings were in good agreement with those reported here (results for additional brightness/contrast settings were also reported). Using a different photometer (Konica Minolta CS2000), the authors measured a minimum luminance below 4 × 10
−5 cd/m
2, well below the level detectable by the human eye in a dark room. This is consistent with our assessment that the minimum luminance of the OLED panels is likely below the noise floor of most common photometric devices.