The data from one participant was excluded from all analyses because she performed at or below chance level (50%) in three conditions of the experiment. The mean error rate in each condition of the experiment (across the other 11 participants) is shown in
Figure 5 along with mean RTs calculated using the median performance of individual participants. It is clear that, at least in the target-present trials, search is now equally efficient for staring and averted-eyes targets. For target-absent trials, on the other hand, search is more efficient for staring as opposed to averted-gaze targets.
A 2 (target status) × 2 (target gaze direction) × 2 (array size) within-subjects ANOVA conducted on the median RT data supported these observations. This analysis revealed significant main effects of target gaze direction, F(1, 10) = 31.66, MSE = 83,334.093, p < .001; target status, F(1, 10) = 124.21, MSE = 35,455.10, p < .001; and array size, F(1, 10) = 194.98, MSE = 58,549.99, p < .001. There were also significant interactions between target gaze direction and target status, F(1, 10) = 7.41, MSE = 17,029.74, p < .05; target gaze direction and array size, F(1, 10) = 10.75, MSE = 18,191.23, p < .01; and between target status and array size, F(1, 10) = 69.85, MSE = 22,579.54, p < .001. However, these main effects and interactions were qualified by a significant three-way interaction, F(1, 10) = 12.70, MSE = 16,561.01, p < .01. In order to investigate this interaction, separate ANOVAs were conducted on target-present and target-absent RT data, each with target gaze direction and array size as within-subjects factors.
For target-present data, the analysis yielded a main effect of target gaze direction with faster overall RTs for staring gaze targets (M = 1422 ms) than for averted gaze targets (M = 1692 ms), F(1, 10) = 10.16, MSE = 79,253.66, p < .05, and a main effect of array size with faster search times for the smaller (M = 1331 ms) than for the larger arrays (M = 1783 ms), F(1, 10) = 69.81, MSE = 32,280.26, p < .001. The interaction between target gaze direction and array size did not approach significance, F(1, 10) = 0.01, MSE = 13,707.44, p = 0.92.
For target-absent trials, there was a significant main effect of target gaze direction, F(1, 10) = 92.81, MSE = 21,110.17, p < .001, as participants were faster to respond when searching for staring eyes (M = 1793 ms) than averted eyes (M = 2215 ms), and a significant main effect of array size, F(1, 10) = 219.86, MSE = 48,849.28, p < .001, with faster searches through smaller (M = 1510 ms) compared with larger arrays (M = 2498 ms). However, there was also a significant interaction between these factors, F(1, 10) = 19.28, MSE = 21,044.79, p < .01. This result supports the observation made previously that a search for staring eyes in arrays where no targets were present is more efficient (i.e., less affected by increasing the array size) than a search for averted eyes. Simple main effects analyses confirmed that the effects of array size for both staring- and averted-gaze searches were significant although the magnitude of the effect was smaller when participants were searching for staring eyes (796 ms) as opposed to averted-eyes targets (1180 ms).
Participants made incorrect responses on 6.90% of trials. The error data were inspected for any sign of a speed-accuracy trade-off, but again the error rates tended to behave in a similar way to reaction times with participants making more errors in conditions in which they also performed more slowly (i.e., with averted-eyes targets and larger arrays). As in
Experiment 1 (and Senju et al.,
2005), there was a tendency toward more misses (10.71%) than false positives (4.40%).