Figure 3 shows contrast sensitivity (the reciprocal of contrast threshold) as a function of defocus levels during dynamic accommodation (
Figure 3, markers) and steady-state accommodation (
Figure 3, dashed lines) for each subject. Using SPSS version 16 we conducted a repeated-measures ANOVA [4 (subject) × 5 (accommodation velocity, including zero velocity (steady-state accommodation)) × 5 (defocus level)]. As expected, the results showed a main effect of defocus level [
F (1.8,40.4) = 199,
P < 0.001, Huynh-Feldt correction]. The type of accommodation had also a main effect on contrast sensitivity [
F (2.9,66.7) = 57.3,
P < 0.001, Huynh-Feldt correction]. Statistical analysis showed a significant interaction between defocus level and type of accommodation [
F (7.3,168) = 24.3,
P < 0.001, Huynh-Feldt correction]. Because the important comparisons were those between contrast sensitivity in steady-state accommodation and those in dynamic accommodation following a 1, 2, 3, 10 D/s target, we conducted multiple comparisons [N = 80;
t-tests using a Holm-Bonferroni correction (Holm,
1979)] between contrast sensitivity measurements in steady-state and all four dynamic conditions for each point of interest. The results showed that contrast sensitivities measured during steady-state accommodation and dynamic accommodation following the 1 D/s target were not significantly different. Dynamic conditions following the 2 D/s target speed had significantly (
P < 0.05) reduced contrast sensitivity in two subjects (LM: point B; SM: points B and D), possibly due to higher than expected accommodation velocities at these points (LM: 3.69 D/s; SM: 2.56 D/s). Dynamic conditions following the 3 and 10 D/s targets reduced significantly (
P < 0.05) contrast sensitivities during the fast phase of the dynamic accommodation response (around peak velocity, points of interest B, C and D) following 10 D/s target (all subjects) and 3 D/s target (KP, LM, SM). The mean value and 95% confidence interval of the differences between the contrast sensitivities in steady-state and dynamic conditions during the fast phase was 0.27 ± 0.08 log units (following the 10 D/s target speed) and 0.21 ± 0.08 log units (following the 3 D/s target speed). It should be noted that the test grating has a limited range of contrast levels whose maximum is 100%. In order to measure contrast sensitivity to the test stimulus within the available contrast levels, the test stimulus at the highest defocus had a longer duration (18 ms) than that at the lower defocus levels (5 ms). This resulted in higher contrast sensitivity compared to the sensitivity level at the shorter stimulus duration. The difference in stimulus duration cannot influence the estimation of suppressive effects because the measurements in both static and dynamic conditions for each defocus level were carried out at the same stimulus duration. The ceiling effects of stimulus contrast did not allow the correct measurement of contrast sensitivity in some subjects at lower defocus levels (CM and LM;
Figures 3A and
3C, empty diamonds). In cases of this type, the difference between contrast sensitivity in static and dynamic conditions is underestimated.