Although we found no reason to invoke changes in contrast sensitivity as a basis for the dimming aftereffect, in
Experiment 4 adaptation to temporal sawtooth waveforms did cause polarity-specific elevations in threshold for detection of sustained spatial increments and decrements. Moreover, the direction of this effect is somewhat unexpected. Our results, much like those of Krauskopf and Zaidi (
1986), show that pre-exposure to an adapting blob of progressively increasing luminance, punctuated by abrupt resets, selectively reduces sensitivity to spatial increments (sustained bright test blobs)—perhaps through a downward regulation in the sensitivity what might be loosely termed ON-channels—while pre-exposure to progressively decreasing luminance selectively reduces sensitivity to spatial decrements (dim test blobs). But what signal is being used for detection of the sustained test blobs? Detection may be subserved by sustained signals responsive to the spatial increment or decrement defining the test blob, or it may rely on the temporal transient at the onset of the test blob. Thirdly, detection may result from temporal transients associated with small eye movements during the test blob exposure, or may require a combination of these with a sustained signal for spatial contrast.
How plausible are each of these alternatives in the light of our results? Sustained signals in response to spatial increments and decrements do exist in the retina (e.g., Awatramani & Slaughter,
2000; Cleland, Dubin, & Levick,
1971; Cleland, Levick, & Sanderson,
1973; Marocco,
1972; Roska & Werblin,
2001; Troy & Enroth-Cugell,
1993). However, the responsible cells may lack the contrast gain control that would allow them to be effectively adapted by the temporal sawtooth, whereas the large parasol or “magno” ganglion cells of the primate retina are highly responsive to temporal transients of appropriate polarity and do possess a contrast gain control (Benardete, Kaplan, & Knight,
If we were to suppose that the test blob is detected by magno cells responding to its onset transient, such a gain control is a candidate mechanism for the threshold changes of Krauskopf and Zaidi (
1986) and of our
Experiment 4 (see Kremers, Lee, Pokorny, & Smith,
1993 for ganglion cell responses to sawtooth modulation). But three considerations make such an account implausible. First, in our experiment, the test blob immediately replaced the adapting blob. Thus there was no temporal transient generated solely by the introduction of the test blob alone. The change in local luminance when the adapting blob was replaced by the test blob would be relatively large and not strongly dependent on test blob contrast. The procedure of Krauskopf et al. (
1982) differed slightly from ours: Their test target was introduced after a delay (see their figure 1), thereby reducing or eliminating this masking of the onset transient. But the similarity of our results and theirs makes it plausible that onset transients were not critical for detection in either experiment. Second, in order to explain the results of
Experiment 4 on the basis that onset temporal transient signals from magno cells are critical for detection, we must suppose that it is the slow ramp phase of the adapting stimulus cycle, and not the abrupt opposite temporal transient during adaptation, that selectively reduces the sensitivity of ON-magno or OFF-magno cells to the abrupt test stimulus onset. Third, the threshold change occurs not only with achromatic stimuli but also with S-cone stimuli, even though according to the best evidence, S-cone stimuli fail to excite the parasol or magno ganglion cells that have the temporal modulation gain control (Sun, Smithson, Zaidi, & Lee,
2006). In any case, whether or not a contrast gain control in magno cells is a candidate mechanism for the threshold changes of our
Experiment 4, it cannot provide a basis for the dimming aftereffect, as our earlier experiments have shown.
If we provisionally discount the role of the onset transient, it remains possible that detection relies on temporal transients associated with small eye movements, and that the selective threshold changes have their origin in those signals. Although subjects were instructed to maintain steady fixation on a centrally presented fixation cross, there would have been small eye movements which might have elicited temporal transients large enough to allow detection. However, our stimuli were large Gaussian blobs, presented in peripheral vision at an eccentricity of 5.3°. They differed from the stimuli of Krauskopf and Zaidi (
1986) who used peripheral discs. The sharp edge in their stimuli means that eye-movement–induced temporal transients would have been stronger in their experiment than in ours. Yet the results of the two investigations are similar. A second difficulty with the idea that temporal transients from eye movements underlie detection is that the temporal transients associated with eye movements are both ON- and OFF-transients. If the stimulus is an increment, there is an ON-temporal transient where the increment moves on to an area of retina, and an OFF-temporal transient where the increment moves off a particular area of the retina. Adaptation to sawtooth modulation would reduce the size of the ON- or the OFF-transients, depending on the polarity of the adapting sawtooth, but the other would remain unadapted. However, are these opposite-polarity temporal transients of equal magnitude? There has been relatively little work on the relationship between ON- and OFF-channels and increment and decrement detection, but one intriguing study by Schiller, Sandell, & Maunsell, (
1986) shows that increment detection in free viewing relies almost completely on ON-sensitive cells. They selectively blocked the ON-pathway in rhesus monkeys by applying the glutamate analogue 2-amino-4-phosphonobutyrate (APB). Following blocking, the ability of the monkeys to make correct saccades to peripherally presented incremental discs was severely impaired, even though the stimulus remained available long after its onset. Their ability to make saccades to decremental discs was unaffected. In light of this result, it is possible that the ON- and OFF-temporal transients elicited as a bright field moves over the retina are not equal in magnitude, but the ON-transient is stronger. It may be that OFF-cells do not readily signal a return to background from an increment, because they are outside of their optimal operating range. Since increments may be signaled primarily by ON-temporal transients from eye movements, a ramp-on adapting sawtooth that reduces the effective amplitude of ON-transients might selectively reduce the detectability of spatial increments. A ramp-off adapting sawtooth would reduce the effective amplitude of OFF-transients caused by eye movements, reducing the detectability of decrements.
Whatever the merits of these speculative explanations for the sensitivity changes following sawtooth adaptation, our experiments provide no support for any account of the dimming aftereffect based on those changes. The dimming and brightening aftereffects remain fundamentally mysterious.