A number of previous demonstrations have suggested that luminance information is of particular importance in the detection of visual edges. Here we quantified that dominance using a blur-detection task with naturalistic stimuli and tested a number of candidate explanations for it, namely whether the effect could be explained by poorer chromatic acuity, lower effective contrast, or differences in scene statistics. We found that none of these factors were able to explain the fact that subjects were unable to detect chromatic blur in the presence of sharp luminance information.
First we showed that differences in acuity are not sufficient to explain the data. Subjects were generally worse at detecting blur in the isoluminant stimuli, which might be ascribed to poorer chromatic acuity, but they were very much worse at the task only when sharp luminance information was combined with the chromatic blur. Even in
Experiment 3, for which the modifications to the images resulted in equal blur-detection thresholds for isoluminant stimuli and achromatic stimuli, when the information was combined the chromatic blur became imperceptible. Second, we demonstrated that the effect is not due to the higher effective contrast of luminance information in natural scenes; equating the effective contrast of the channels did not diminish the effect. Third, the effect is not caused by differences in the statistical structure of the color and luminance information; reversing the channels, and therefore the statistical properties of the luminance and chromatic information, did not cause the effect to be reversed or even reduced.
The fact that chromatic blur alone is harder to detect than luminance blur alone is entirely consistent with previous findings. For instance, studies have shown that blur thresholds for S-cone isolating stimuli are approximately twice as high as those for the other two channels even when cone contrast is taken into consideration (Wuerger, Morgan, Westland, & Owens,
2000; Wuerger, Owens, & Westland,
2001). The reason may be due to reduced spatial sampling of chromatic information leading to a lower precision in chromatic processing (Peirce, Solomon, Forte, & Lennie,
2008). This reduced sampling may, in turn, be a consequence of chromatic aberration; the visual hardware may reflect the lack of spatial precision in the chromatic signals themselves (De Valois & De Valois,
1988). As a result, luminance may be used for tasks requiring high spatial precision. Conversely, color may be used predominately to process surface properties and to facilitate segmentation and grouping, with only a secondary role in edge detection and localization (Mollon,
1989). If color is mainly used to process surface properties this could explain why it appears to be discounted as a cue to edge perception when luminance information is present.
It is surprising that equating the effective contrast of the color and luminance channels did not reduce the effect. Rivest and Cavanagh (
1996) found that luminance does not play a privileged role in a contour localization task if the luminance and chromatic channels are equated to have similar localization thresholds when presented alone. Those authors suggested that the reason luminance appears privileged in natural scenes is due to its greater effective contrast which, at least for the perception of blur, appears not to be the case.
Color information and luminance information in natural scenes are statistically similar in their 1/
f amplitude spectra (Parraga et al.,
1998) and in the numbers of achromatic and isoluminant edges that they contain (Hansen & Gegenfurtner,
2009). There might, however, be other statistical differences between the chromatic and luminance information in natural scenes, for example, in the fine structure. Even if natural scenes were not different in general, it might have been the case that the particular images used in this study had different image statistics in the two channels. To ensure that no such statistical artifacts could have caused the effects measured we swapped the information in the luminance and chromatic channels and reran the study. The fact that this removed the advantage for the luminance channel presented alone indicates that there might have been some effect of differential statistics. However, these differences were clearly not responsible for the luminance dominance; when these reversed channels were combined the subjects still gave preference to the luminance channel, even though it now contained no more information than the chromatic channel. Therefore the dominance of sharp luminance information over blurred chromatic information is not related to the statistical structure of natural scenes. At this point the evidence appears to indicate a mechanism giving active preference to luminance signals in the detection of blur.
It is clear from these data that the signals from chromatic and luminance information are not combined in a simple linear fashion such that it is not sufficient to consider either chromatic or luminance cues in isolation. In the current study we would not have been able to predict the masking effect caused by combining blurred chromatic and sharp luminance information from either the achromatic or isoluminant conditions. The masking effect could only be revealed by testing color and luminance information in combination. Similarly, the phase of a luminance grating overlaid on a chromatic plaid changes the appearance of the plaid (Kingdom,
2003). If the luminance grating is out of phase the plaid has a three-dimensional appearance (an example of the shape-from-shading effect). However, if the luminance grating is in phase with the chromatic information the impression of depth is suppressed.
The masking effect could indicate that chromatic blur is being bounded by the sharp luminance information, i.e., the chromatic blur does not appear to cross luminance boundaries. When reticles (thin, low-contrast, achromatic lines) are superimposed on the zero crossings of isoluminant gratings this can improve chromatic contrast sensitivity (Montag,
1997). This could be another circumstance where a chromatic gradient is bounded by luminance information. The facilitation effect caused by the reticles may be at the expense of spatial acuity of the chromatic information, i.e., the chromatic information becomes tied to the luminance information. This would mean that the chromatic information would appear aligned with the luminance edges, as seen in the Boynton illusion (Kaiser,
1996, see figure) and the results of the present study.
There are existing accounts of edge detection such as the scale space (Georgeson, May, Freeman, & Hesse,
2007) and relative phase models (Burr, Morrone, & Spinelli,
1989). However, these do not currently attempt to incorporate the multiple channels (e.g., for chromatic and luminance information) that would be necessary to model the current data.