We further propose that the mutual inhibition circuit is based not only on the overlap of direction tuning between neurons, but more so on the overlap of multidimensional tuning across conjunctions of motion features such as speed, spatial frequency, and direction selectivity (Albright,
1984; Lagae, Raiguel, & Orban,
1993; Maunsell & Van Essen,
1983; Perrone & Thiele,
2001). When other motion features are identical between the two surfaces, the multidimensional tuning is reduced to directionality alone (
Figure 3C). However, adding a second distinguishing motion feature, such as speed, would reduce the overlap between the multidimensional tuning curves, thus reduce mutual inhibition and direction repulsion (
Figure 3D). As speed and spatial frequency are features that form conjunctions with direction tuning in the dorsal stream, this model supports the reduction in direction repulsion seen with differences in speed (current study; Marshak & Sekuler,
1979) or spatial frequency (Kim & Wilson,
1996). Finally, this model also describes the effects that attending to one surface has on direction repulsion. Attention to speed or luminance changes in one superimposed surface reduced direction repulsion but dividing attention across both surfaces did not (Chen, Meng, Matthews, & Qian,
2005). The authors suggest that the results when attending to one surface can be explained based on feature-similarity gain (Martinez-Trujillo & Treue,
2004; Treue & Maunsell,
1999) in which attention enhances the representation of the attended feature and simultaneously reduces the influence of the unattended feature. Since the features in question are dorsal stream features coprocessed by directionally selective cells in area MT, the effect of attending to one surface while suppressing the other would be to reduce the gain of the suppressed surface and thus reduce the overlap for mutual inhibition (
Figure 3E). This would produce the attenuation in direction repulsion that was seen (Chen et al.,
2005). Finally, as color differences did not reduce direction repulsion, color is not a feature dimension used by the mutual inhibition circuitry. The multidimensional tuning for mutual inhibition works on dorsal stream, not ventral stream, features (
Figure 3F).