In this study we used a red star inserted in a black Ehrenstein figure to systematically study the temporal constraints for the emergence of neon color spreading. In particular our work revealed that
The finding that stimulus transients enhance the neon color spreading is consistent with a growing body of literature in macaque and man that shows that transients augment stimulus visibility and this increase may affect stimulus-stimulus interactions (Macknik & Livingstone,
1998; Macknik, Martinez-Conde, & Haglund,
2000; Rieiro, Martinez-Conde, Danielson, Pardo-Vazquez, & Srivastava,
2012; Saarela & Herzog,
2008). In particular, Macknik et al. (
2000) using optical imaging showed that the strength of masking varies throughout mask presentation with maximal effects at mask onset and mask termination and intermediate SOAs producing weaker effects. Such effects are likely to originate at early visual processing stages and suggest an early origin also for the observations on neon color spreading reported here.
Whereas SOAs close to the beginning and end of the sustained stimulus produce a strong neon color effect, SOAs between 150 ms and 450 ms elicit relatively weak effects. Curves for this range of SOA-values have different shapes: roughly U-shaped, when the black rays were sustained and the red star was transient, with little variation during intermediate SOAs (
Figure 3A); and monotonically increasing with time, when the relationship was reversed (
Figures 5 and
7). These findings suggest different mechanisms for the temporal integration of the black rays of the Ehrenstein figure and the red star.
This notion is consistent with the observation that for intermediate SOAs the sustained red star produces a stronger neon color effect than the sustained Ehrenstein figure.
Figure 8 plots the strength of the effect in the Sustained Star condition as a function of the strength of the Sustained Black Rays condition in the central range of SOAs (200–400 ms). The neon color effect produced by the sustained star combined with transient rays is consistently greater than that produced by the converse stimulus pattern. This suggests that the red star is processed by a mechanism having a longer integration time.
The difference between the channels mediating the red star and black lines is also demonstrated by plotting the strength of the neon color effect for an intermediate SOA (300 ms) as a function of the duration of the transient stimulus (
Figure 9). The curves show how in the case of Sustained Star/Transient Rays, an increase of the exposure duration above 48 ms has relatively little effect, suggesting that saturation is quickly reached. On the other hand, for the Sustained Rays/Transient Star condition, the neon spreading starts out more gradually, suggesting that an exposure duration of up to 96 ms is still beneficial to the illusion.
A prolonged exposure duration may be beneficial to the illusion for two reasons: (a) It enables neon color spreading to build up. This would explain why STAs of 0 were optimal. (b) It increases the likelihood that a microsaccade occurs while both stimuli are simultaneously presented (Martinez-Conde, Macknik, & Hubel,
2004; Rucci, Iovin, Poletti, & Santini,
2007), causing a simultaneous transient response in both stimuli and thus enhancing the illusion. The neural responses of both stimuli at this time would be maximal (Macknik & Livingstone,
The difference between the time course for the black rays and the red star may be explained by the observation that luminance-modulated stimuli are processed faster than color-modulated stimuli (Breitmeyer,
1975; Burr & Corsale,
2001; Burr & Morrone,
1996; Cicchini,
2012; McKeefry, Parry, & Murray,
2003). An estimate of the temporal constants of the channels processing the star and the rays may be obtained by fitting the data with a standard saturating function akin to the Naka-Rushton equation
A is an arbitrary scaling factor,
β determines the steepness of the transition (and typically ranges from 2–4), and
C50 is the semi-saturating constant (in our case the duration that yields half of the maximum effect). We fixed
A and
β for both curves (respectively to 90% and 2.8) and we varied
C50. The values of the semi-saturating constant yielding the best fit are 30 ms for the Transient Rays and 60 ms for the Transient Star, confirming that the two channels are processed by markedly different temporal properties. Further, these values are consistent with the finding that temporal integration in the channel-mediating the red star could last for a few hundred milliseconds. Indeed, the semi-saturation values underestimate the full extent of the temporal integration with a nominal value of 60 ms, describing a process that can last up to 150–200 ms.
Our experiments demonstrate that the neon color effect has two constraints: a spatial one and a temporal one. In a static stimulus pattern, the temporal aspect does not reveal itself. However, when the two inducers, rays and star, are shifted in time relative to each other, the resulting illusory effect changes in strength. Conditions are optimal when both stimuli either offset, or less pronounced, onset together. Transients may also be critical for the formation of the crisp illusory contour delineating the reddish disk in the center of the Ehrenstein figure, although this factor was not tested.
There may be other phenomena of a similar kind where two or more stimuli need to be spatially aligned for a strong illusory effect, such as the Kanizsa triangle (Kanizsa,
1979) or Pinna's watercolor effect (Pinna, Brelstaff, & Spillmann,
2001) which may show a similar behavior when presented sequentially. The first illusion is based on end-to-end alignment, whereas the second requires side-by-side alignment (Devinck & Spillmann,
2009). Subjecting these illusions to the same kind of transient-sustained regimen as in the experiments on neon color spreading used here may be an interesting research topic for the future.