We evaluated the performances of the subjects by computing d-primes. Based on a complex decomposition analysis, we used these d-primes to assess the dynamics of attentional sampling occurring during one visual search trial, for the difficult and the easy tasks (
Figure 2). As explained in the preceding section, this method consists in first combining for each frequency the d-primes for sine and −sine phase conditions and (separately) for cosine and −cosine phase conditions and, second, combining the two resulting estimators to obtain a vector in the complex domain. For each subject, we thus obtained 10 complex vectors for the 10 different frequencies. These vectors were considered as Fourier coefficients, defined by their length (i.e., oscillatory amplitude) and pointing angle (i.e., oscillatory phase). The complex coefficients were then used to compute an inverse Fourier transform, thereby estimating the attentional sampling function in the time domain for each of the subjects. For both tasks, we then computed the average estimated attentional function over all subjects. Finally, we analyzed the amplitude spectra of these two estimated sampling functions. We first computed a fast Fourier transform (FFT) on the grand-average attentional functions (i.e., averaged over all subjects) and looked at the obtained amplitude spectrum. We also calculated this amplitude spectrum for each subject based on his or her individual attentional functions and recomputed the average amplitude spectrum. For both analyses, we evaluated the significance of the measured amplitude spectra by using a Monte Carlo procedure. Surrogate data were created for each subject under the null hypothesis that hit rate and false alarm rate are independent of phase and frequency. The complex decomposition analysis was recomputed for each surrogate (
n = 10,000), and the amplitude spectra of surrogate attentional functions (either based on grand-average attentional functions or on individual functions) were used to estimate significance. To achieve this, the 10,000 surrogate amplitude spectra were ranked in ascending order, separately for each frequency. The 9,501th, 9,901th, 9,991th, and 10,000th values were considered as the respective limits of four different confidence intervals (95%, 99%, 99.9%, and 99.99%), which are represented with different colors in the background of the four corresponding graphs. An experimentally observed spectral amplitude value was considered significantly different from the corresponding null distribution with
p < 0.05 if it exceeded the 95% confidence threshold (and with
p < 0.01 above the 99% confidence threshold, and so on). To take into account the possible problem of multiple statistical comparisons across the 10 frequencies used (2–20 Hz), we adopted a conservative statistical threshold of
p < 0.001. For both tasks, we also ran the same analysis, discarding the signals from stimulus onset (0–83 ms) and stimulus offset (417–500 ms). This was aimed at verifying that any periodicity highlighted by the previous analysis would not be due merely to an increased sensitivity to the onset and/or the offset of the stimuli.