Humans move their eyes two to four times per second in order to bring visual areas of interest onto the fovea and allow visual processing with the highest resolution. Saccades are frequently followed by secondary saccades whose exact triggering mechanisms are not fully understood. In general, secondary saccades are thought to reduce the distance between the saccade landing site and target location (Becker & Fuchs,
1969). Consequently, secondary saccades are often referred to as corrective saccades. Despite the seemingly obvious corrective function of secondary saccades, several lines of evidence suggest that an error-correcting signal constitutes only one source of activation that influences the programming of secondary saccades.
First, even very precise primary saccades can be followed by secondary saccades, which might then increase the distance between the eye and target positions (Lemij & Collewijn,
1989). Second, there is a bias of secondary saccades to follow the direction of the primary saccade (Ohl, Brandt, & Kliegl,
2011). Third, models have been proposed, assuming that target eccentricity significantly modulates the postsaccadic activity distribution in a saccadic motor map and, accordingly, the characteristics (e.g., latency, amplitude, and orientation) of subsequent eye movements (Ohl, Brandt, & Kliegl,
2011; Wang, Satel, Trappenberg, & Klein,
2011). Thus, multiple factors contribute to the programing of secondary saccades, a fact that requires further elaboration of the exact mechanisms producing secondary saccades. Focusing only on the process of error correction (e.g., minimizing the distance between the eye and target positions) falls short of providing a comprehensive view on secondary saccades.
In the present study, our aim was to explore the factors that influence secondary saccade programs in the absence of postsaccadic visual feedback. Participants were asked to move their eyes to an upcoming target. During saccade flight, the target was removed, therefore preventing postsaccadic visual feedback. In such a situation, it is typically observed that the number of secondary saccades is strongly reduced as compared to a situation with available postsaccadic visual information (Becker & Fuchs,
1969; Bonnetblanc & Baraduc,
2007; Deubel, Wolf, & Hauske,
1982; Prablanc & Jeannerod,
1975; Shebilske,
1976). This is, of course, strong evidence emphasizing the importance of postsaccadic visual information for the programming of secondary saccades.
The examination of secondary saccade orientation in a paradigm that omits postsaccadic visual information allows us to determine whether an extraretinal error signal influences programming of secondary saccades. The idea that a copy of the saccade motor command, the efference copy, is used as source of information for various brain processes is old (Sperry,
1950; von Helmholtz,
1925; von Holst & Mittelstaedt,
1950) and also very successful, both on a conceptual (Wurtz,
2008) and a neurophysiological level (Sommer & Wurtz,
2008). Nevertheless, whether the copy of the primary saccade motor command also influences the generation of secondary saccades is strongly disputed.
A recent study suggested that the oculomotor error of the primary saccade (e.g., the distance between the saccade landing position and target) might already be included in the efference copy of the saccade (Collins, Rolfs, Deubel, & Cavanagh,
2009). Thus, subtraction of the vector of the efference copy from the target vector could easily determine the postsaccadic target position and, consequently, influence the programming of secondary saccades. It is uncertain whether such a type of extraretinal error signal directly influences the programming of secondary saccades. Interestingly, early studies that prevented postsaccadic visual processing by removing the target during the saccade resulted in opposing conclusions concerning the role of an extraretinal error signal for secondary saccade programs (Becker & Fuchs,
1969; Morel, Deneve, & Baraduc,
2011; Prablanc & Jeannerod,
1975; Shebilske,
1976; Weber & Daroff,
1972). A study by Deubel et al. (
1982) demonstrated convincingly that visual feedback is necessary to generate secondary saccades. It should be noted, however, that in their study, the role of visual feedback for the generation of secondary saccades was examined by blanking the target for some time during postsaccadic fixation. The target was lit again subsequently, thus providing visual feedback at a later point in the trial. Given a situation without visual feedback or very large saccadic error, Deubel et al. did not want to rule out that an extraretinal error signal might come into play. Therefore, whether or not an extraretinal error signal directly influences secondary saccades is not clear and needs further elaboration.
Studies supporting the notion that an extraretinal error signal contributes to corrective secondary saccades mainly examined secondary saccades following primary saccades to very distant targets (e.g., larger than 20°; Becker & Fuchs,
1969; Shebilske,
1976). Because saccades to very distant targets are typically undershot, this is a necessary but nevertheless insufficient condition for demonstrating the direct influence of an extraretinal error signal on secondary saccade programs. The subsequent secondary saccade then follows the same direction as the undershooting primary saccade and, consequently, reduces the target undershoot. This reaction can also be explained by usage of a simple strategy in such a way that secondary saccades follow the direction of the primary saccade. Indeed, we recently demonstrated that secondary (micro-) saccades are biased to follow the direction of the primary saccade (Ohl et al.,
2011); therefore, secondary saccades that follow the direction of the primary saccade to a very distant target (which is typically undershot by about 10 percent) are not necessarily triggered by an extraretinal error signal but could simply be due to this bias. Strong support for the influence of an extraretinal error signal requires a condition in which the probability of secondary saccades in a direction opposite to the primary saccade increases with increasing overshoot in the absence of postsaccadic visual information.
In the present study, subjects were asked to move their eyes from a central fixation point to a peripheral target (located at 6° or 14° of visual angle on the horizontal meridian) and hold fixation at the new target location despite the target being removed immediately after saccade onset. Our experimental paradigm allows us to determine the functional relationship between the primary saccade landing site and the characteristics of secondary saccades (e.g., latency, amplitude, and orientation) for two different target eccentricities. Assuming that the latency, amplitude, or orientation of secondary saccades depends on the saccade landing site would strongly support the notion that an extraretinal error signal can indeed influence secondary saccade programming. We also explore whether the bias of secondary saccades to follow the direction of the primary saccade might also be observed in a condition without postsaccadic visual information. Moreover, we test whether these relationships between primary saccade error and secondary saccade latency, between primary saccade error and secondary saccade amplitude, and between primary saccade error and secondary saccade orientation vary as a function of target eccentricity.
In summary, we examine the influence of saccadic error on subsequent secondary saccade latency, amplitude, and orientation. This should add valuable information for the solution of the debate on whether an extraretinal error signal influences secondary saccade programs. Furthermore, we test whether an orientation bias and modulation by target eccentricity are also observed when no postsaccadic visual information is available.