Consistent with previous studies (Casco, Robol, Barollo, & Cansino,
2011; Del Viva & Agostini,
2007; McKendrick et al.,
2010; Roudaia, Bennett, & Sekuler,
2008), our results show that healthy normal aging results in a decreased ability to discriminate global shapes constructed from local elements embedded in noise. Our novel finding is that the neural mechanisms involved in such tasks maintain plasticity in older adults, and can retain the benefits of training for at least 3 months. Thresholds for the older group posttraining were similar to those of younger adults pretraining.
The Glass pattern discrimination task had exactly the same stimulus timing, and procedural requirements (two-interval forced choice comparison) as the global contour tasks, yet neither older nor younger adults showed any performance improvement for Glass pattern discrimination in the absence of repeated training. This control experiment shows that learning of the procedural aspects of the task cannot explain the improvements on the contour discrimination tasks for either age group. Similarly, if global contour discrimination improvement resulted from training enhancements in managing the memory requirements of the temporal two-interval forced choice comparison, or from improvements in the ability to process short duration stimuli (200 ms), such nonvisual learning should also transfer to the Glass pattern task. Our data show no evidence for these effects.
Consistent with previous reports, our older group demonstrated elevated contrast thresholds (Elliot et al.,
1990; Owsley et al.,
1983). Contrast thresholds also improved with training in both groups. To guard against the learning benefits shown for the global contour tasks being influenced by improving contrast detectability of the stimulus, we approximately matched the contrast of the stimuli on an individual participant basis at each visit. Contour integration is not highly dependent on contrast; however, the ability to detect contours in noise deteriorates at low contrast (McIlhagga & Mullen,
Our stimuli were presented for 200 ms to minimize the possibility of participants making eye movements to search for the contours. Despite being brief, the stimulus duration is unlikely to have critically limited performance. There is some evidence that older adults require longer duration stimuli than younger adults to reach a given level of contour discrimination performance, however that average threshold duration is less than 200 ms (Roudaia et al.,
2011). Two hundred milliseconds is also substantially longer than the threshold stimulus duration for global shape discrimination of radial frequency patterns measured for older observers (Habak, Wilkinson, & Wilson,
2009). Our tasks were somewhat different than those described in these previous works; however, required the detection of contours and the discrimination of their global shape. Given that our stimuli were suprathreshold contrast it seems unlikely that stimulus duration limited performance in our older adult observers.
Glass pattern discrimination performance was significantly impaired in our older adult group and did not improve. Glass pattern discrimination is not expected to entirely share the same mechanisms as contour integration (for mechanisms likely to underpin Glass pattern discrimination, see: Ostwald, Lam, Li, & Kourtzi,
2008; Smith, Bair, & Movshon,
2002), however, glass pattern discrimination is also a visual form task that requires the extraction and discrimination of concentric shapes. The purpose of including this task was to determine whether older adults improved in their ability to generally make judgments about concentric shapes within a 2IFC psychophysical experiment. Perceptual learning studies often explore for retinotopic transfer or for transfer of learning across stimulus attributes (e.g., spatial frequency or orientation). Previous studies of perceptual learning of contour integration tasks have shown the learning effects to be retinotopic (Li et al.,
2008), to show interocular transfer (Kovàcs et al.,
1999), and to be enhanced by sleep (Gervan & Kovacs,
2010). Given that our results show no difference in the magnitude or time-course of learning effects between older and younger adult groups, it is simplest to assume that the underlying mechanisms for learning are the same. A more complicated explanation is that the same amount and approximate rate of learning is achieved via different mechanisms in the older group. This possibility cannot be ruled out by our experiments; however, in the absence of a clear prediction, the simpler explanation seems more parsimonious.
Age-related increases in Glass pattern coherence thresholds have recently been reported (Weymouth & McKendrick,
2012). Despite being comprised of small dots, it is important to note that the ability to perform Glass pattern tasks is quite robust to optical change. In younger adults, glass pattern coherence thresholds do not deteriorate unless the contrast of the stimulus is reduced to approximately two times threshold, and are also not reduced by up to 2D of spherical blur (Weymouth & McKendrick,
2012), as these manipulations still enable accurate encoding of the centroid of the dot elements, hence accurate encoding of the dipole pairings. Our Glass pattern stimuli were high contrast hence it seems unlikely that our inability to find an improvement in Glass pattern discrimination performance in either participant group represents some floor effect whereby the effects of optical deterioration mask the ability to detect neural performance improvement.
The neural mechanisms underlying contour integration are relatively well studied, rendering it a particularly useful task for exploring plasticity within the human visual system (Altmann et al.,
2003; Li et al.,
2008; Li & Gilbert,
2002). Our results show that the minimum number of elements required to discriminate between a circular and elliptical contour reduces with training implying an increase in the distance over which local spatial interactions occur. The discrimination of global shapes presumably requires later processing than simple contour extraction, with convergent evidence from neurophysiology and functional imaging indicating that area V4 plays a key role in global shape encoding (Gallant, Braun, & Van Essen,
1993; Gallant, Shoup, & Mazer,
2000; Wilkinson, James, Wilson, Gati, Menon, & Goodale,
2000). While improved performance may result from functional alterations to neural networks early in the cortical visual system, primate experiments suggest that a key role is played by top-down feedback connections because training-induced modifications to neural behavior disappear when the animal is anaesthetized (Li et al.,
2008). Nevertheless, explicit attention to the contours is not mandatory for learning in humans, as contour integration performance can also improve when contours are presented subliminally (Rosenthal & Humphreys,
2010). A key difference between human and primate studies is the inability to explicitly instruct primates on the specific task requirements. It is possible that learning to perform the task initially by trial and error for reward utilizes different mechanisms to those employed by people who have the benefit of explicit verbal instructions and task demonstration.
This study shows that training can improve contour integration task performance in older adults, and adds to a growing body of research that shows considerable plasticity of visual neural systems in the older brain (Andersen, Ni, Bower, & Watanabe,
2010; Bower & Andersen,
2011). Our experiments do not determine whether with prolonged training asymptotic performance in older adults can reach that of their younger counterparts, as it is unclear what level of training is required to reach asymptotic performance and this may vary between groups. The data hints at a hardwired improvement limit because learning appears to begin to plateau at a similar rate in both groups, with older adults still being poorer performers. For the training duration conducted here, the asymptotic limit of older adults was similar to untrained performance in younger adults. Relatively few trials can improve performance in both groups, which suggests positive outcomes for applications of perceptual training in older adults beyond the laboratory.