We then turn to our main question that is the relation between visibility and perceptual anisotropy quantified as the exaggerated deviation from cardinal orientations. First, and crucially, participants' responses in low visibility trials were not random but actually tracked the orientation of the stimuli (
p < 0.001, Rayleigh's test), suggesting unconscious processing of orientation although with a low signal-to-noise ratio (see
Figure 2B). We could then assess the deviation from cardinals separately for the three classes of trials corresponding to low, intermediate, and high visibility situations (see
Figure 4A). The effects were reliable in each class of trials (low visibility:
T(45) = 2.28,
p < 0.05; intermediate visibility:
T(45) = 18.04,
p < 0.001; high visibility:
T(44) = 12.41;
p < 0.001), but differed in magnitude across the three classes (
F(2, 89) = 18.3,
p < 0.001). Deviations from cardinals were found to have a non-monotonic profile with minimal deviations for low visibility conditions and maximal deviations for intermediate visibility (mean deviations = −2.12°, −7.14°, −4.70° for low, intermediate, and high visibilities, respectively). The non-monotonic profile was confirmed by
T-test comparisons between consecutive classes (low vs. intermediate:
T(45) = 5.4,
p < 0.001; intermediate vs. high:
T(44) = −6.37,
p < 0.001). Crucially, these results confirmed the critical prediction that the anisotropy is more prominent under conditions of intermediate visibility, in comparison with either unconscious or full perception. This pattern was found in all participant groups (
Supplementary Figure 1) and was unaffected by previous exposure during the experiment (
F < 1).