To summarize, we have demonstrated a substantial qualitative difference between local and global grouping processes in visual texture perception; the former are narrowly tuned for spatial frequency structure, and the latter show broader, low-pass tuning. Performance on local grouping is consistent with previous modeling of detection psychophysics, indicating that subjects must be using a relatively narrow range of filters to process Glass patterns; otherwise, they would be swamped by noise from adjacent bands (
Dakin, 1997a). That local grouping is spatially band-pass is consistent with the notion that cells in area V1 implement the filters responsible. The global grouping experiments shed some light on how the visual system might then combine together these filter outputs. The global grouping mechanism shows clear low-pass spatial frequency selectivity (because we observe low-pass tuning even with RMS-matched elements) but our data would also appear to indicate a greater degree of tuning for the contrast of the mask than shown by the local grouping mechanism. Thus the global grouping mechanism may combine various attributes of local features and could be characterized as being tuned to something more akin to “visibility.”
In the “Introduction,” we alluded to previous findings that spatial frequency tuning observed for texture segmentation
(Kingdom & Keeble, 2000) and contour detection is band-pass
(Dakin & Hess, 1998). Given that both contour integration and the global Glass pattern task require subjects to integrate orientation information across space, these results would appear to be contradictory.
Figure 9 illustrates a possible explanation for the difference; it shows schematic diagrams illustrating the distinction between local and global grouping, in the context of a local grouping mechanism based on oriented filters. In the former case, individual features are isotropic and, although they individually do not selectively stimulate any one filter orientation, pairs of features that are close enough together, do. Thus, local grouping cares about the relative position of input features. In the global case, provided that feature pairings are relatively sparse, an oriented filtering mechanism continues to give useful information only about local groupings. Larger, more complex assemblies must be signaled by a mechanism combining responses across space. This is what has traditionally been thought of as a “texture” process in that global grouping cares little about the relative position of input features.
Figure 9c shows what we term the “multi-local” case. While both contour and Glass pattern stimuli require orientation integration across space, only in the contour case is the stimulus arranged in such a way as to facilitate interactions between orientation signals; features are densely packed and positioned so that their local orientations are coaligned along an imaginary underlying “backbone.” While we know that the conditions under which a whole multi-element contour can be signaled by large filters are quite limited
(Hess & Dakin, 1997), that is not to say that the response of large filters to pair-wise groupings in the contour might not be important for binding these elements across space. Contour linking seems to straddle our definitions of local and global grouping. In isolation, local features do stimulate oriented filters; thus their grouping must in some sense be a global linking task. However, like a local grouping task, contour linking must care about position. Moreover adjacent contour elements can mutually stimulate oriented filters operating at a coarser scale so that the contribution of the relative position of contour elements to grouping may ultimately be linked to the degree to which adjacent contour elements mutually stimulate local grouping mechanisms. If one hypothesizes that these pair-wise or multi-local groupings contribute to contour linking (the link marked with a ‘?’ in
Figure 9c), then because local grouping is primary (in that global grouping cannot proceed without it), one can see how contour detection might exhibit spatial frequency tuning properties more akin to local grouping. Although the details of the feasibility of pair-wise contour linking is beyond the scope of this paper, we are presently investigating the role of interactions between adjacent elements in contour linking.