We have shown that adapting to induced flicker can cause significant reductions in contrast sensitivity to real flicker, but only in the situation where the edges of the inducer are aligned with the edges of the test region. When the test region is inset, it appears that there is no reduction in sensitivity.
We know that there are at least some cells that would respond to the physical modulation of luminance within a uniform region, such as photoreceptors in the retina, temporal contrast mechanisms, or nonzero sum
3 contrast-sensitive cells. Our previous work (Robinson & de Sa,
2012) showed that these cells can be adapted by luminance flicker, using the same basic paradigm as the three experiments reported here. Our results here suggest that the same population of cells does not respond to induced brightness changes. Even though the entire rectangle appears to flicker during induction, it seems that the cells that signal or represent this change in appearance are those with receptive fields intersecting the contrast edge of the flickering region. Perhaps this is because contrast across an edge is much more informative with respect to the material properties of a region than the response of cells that only signal relative changes in the center. For instance, the contrast ratio across an edge is preserved in a global illumination change.
Our results are not consistent with the theory that brightness information “fills in” from edge-selective neurons into a point-for-point representation of brightness across the entire visual field. In particular, if such a filled-in representation exists, we would expect that it, too, is susceptible to induced flicker adaptation, just like the cells intersecting the contrast edge, and that this adaptation would have some effect on contrast sensitivity in regions inset from the edges.
There are some caveats, however, to our conclusion that brightness does not fill in. It is possible that brightness is represented in a filled-in population, but for some reason that population is not susceptible to flicker adaptation. This would be quite surprising, since adaptation is a relatively ubiquitous phenomenon, which is found throughout the visual system (Webster,
2011), but of course it cannot be ruled out. Perhaps adaptation to real flicker serves a useful purpose early in the visual system, such as gain control, but would be of no use to “filled-in” cells?
There is a large literature showing that adapting to high contrast luminance flicker reduces sensitivity to low contrast flicker, but it is not necessarily clear why this occurs. While visual adaptation phenomena were originally explained in terms of neural fatigue, many of those results have since been recast as a change in tuning properties to increase sensitivity to common stimuli (Webster,
2011). Thus, high contrast flicker might result in gain control adjustments that make low contrast flicker difficult to see. This would predict that discriminations around the contrast level of the adapting stimuli should actually improve after adaptation, which to our knowledge has not been tested. For spatial contrast (gratings), however, there is no evidence of increased discrimination ability at the adapting contrast (Barlow, MacLeod, & van Meeteren,
1976). Indeed, flicker adaptation in particular may still be best explained as simple desensitization (for which neural fatigue is but one mechanistic explanation). Under strict fixation, a high-contrast flickering spot in the periphery will lose contrast, and then disappear entirely (Schieting & Spillmann,
1987). Adapting to near-threshold flicker also causes reduced sensitivity, such that ever-increasing contrast is required to keep the adapting dot visible over time (Anstis,
1996), which is difficult to explain with gain control. Thus, while it is certainly open to debate, we think it is more probable that flicker adaptation causes general desensitization of mechanisms sensitive to that flicker, leaving little reason to expect that it would be limited to just the early areas of the visual system. If we are wrong, however, at the very least our results suggest that brightness perception has the unusual property of not adapting, which is still an interesting finding.
Another more plausible objection is that even though we adapted the supposedly filled-in neurons, we did not adapt the edge-selective neurons that were internal to the filled-in region. Thus, in the inset condition, the unadapted edge-selective neurons were able to signal for the edges of the inset flickering rectangle. While the adaptation of the filled-in neurons may have occurred, this edge signal could have been present with no reduction in strength, and perhaps this is the signal that subjects used to govern their response. It is impossible to rule this out, though we have three arguments for why it seems implausible. First, if filling-in is an important component of representing brightness, then we would expect that interfering with it would cause some reduction in sensitivity—otherwise why would the visual system need to fill in at all? Second, if filling-in neurons were adapted, but edge neurons were not, then one might expect some rather strange percepts in the inset condition—such as flickering edges with no center, sort of like a wireframe rectangle. At least subjectively, we did not observe any such percepts. Finally, and most convincingly, if the edge signal alone is sufficient for full sensitivity, the experiments reported in Robinson and de Sa (
2012) should not have found a reduction in sensitivity for inset test regions after adapting to real flicker.
What about other theories of brightness representation? Our results are compatible with the symbolic theory of filling-in. Adapting the edge-selective cells that code for filled-in regions reduces contrast sensitivity to other filled-in regions that are represented by those same cells (as in the aligned condition). An inset region would stimulate a different set of edge cells, and therefore would not be subject to adaptation from real or induced flicker.
Our results are also compatible with the multiscale theory. Adapting to a flickering inducer will affect all of the receptive fields at the appropriate scales to detect the contrast across the edges (
Figure 7a), and also the much larger receptive fields that code for the contrast of the center relative to the surround. These larger receptive fields would be poorly suited for signaling the presence of a smaller test rectangle, since they would be heavily adapted, and furthermore the test rectangle stimulates a much smaller part of their positive (or negative) centers. Meanwhile, an intermediate-sized receptive field, whose center just covers the smaller test rectangle, is ideally suited for signaling its presence (
Figure 7e), and would not be adapted from the flickering inducer at all.
It is worth noting that neither symbolic filling-in nor the multiscale theory as currently formulated can account for our earlier finding (Robinson & de Sa,
2012) that real flicker adapts inset test regions. The multiscale model fails because the smaller receptive fields would not be stimulated by the adapter (
Figure 7b), leaving them spared to respond fully to the inset test (
Figure 7e). There is, however, a relatively straightforward modification to the multiscale model, which is to use filters that are slightly unbalanced, that is, nonzero sum (the positive and negative portions of the filter do not sum to zero). This means a small part of their response is due to the mean luminance, and not just the contrast between center and surround. This would actually make the model more in line with neurophysiology evidence (e.g., Croner & Kaplan,
1995). If nonzero sum filters were used, the adapter in our 2012 experiment would also cause some adaptation in the small scale filters (
Figure 7d), and a reduction of sensitivity would be seen for inset test regions that stimulate those filters. Using nonzero sum filters would not change the predictions for the present paper; only the large-scale filters would be stimulated by the adapter since there is no actual luminance change in the induced region (compare
Figure 7a and
Meanwhile there is no obvious modification to the symbolic filling-in theory that would likewise allow it to account for our 2012 data. To be fair, however, we have only tested this proposed modification to the FLODOG model briefly, so we do not know if it would change its ability to predict a wide range of illusions. Encouragingly, Barkan et al. (
2008) reported that their multiscale model works with nonzero sum filters, although they did not present any data nor discuss how their results change. This seems like a worthy direction for future research on multiscale models.
The multiscale approach also offers a compelling resolution of seemingly conflicting findings in the literature as to whether a brightness change has the same effect in the visual system as an actual luminance change. Cornsweet and Teller (
1965) argued that only an actual luminance change can influence sensitivity. Detecting small luminance increments is easiest on a black background. Placing the increment on a luminance pedestal reduces sensitivity; the higher the luminance of the pedestal, the greater the reduction. They found, however, that if the pedestal's brightness is increased by means of induction, there is no loss in sensitivity. On the other side of the debate, McCourt and Kingdom (
1996) demonstrated that detecting low-contrast luminance gratings could be facilitated by adding an illusory grating to the test field by means of grating induction (adding a real grating has the same effect). Our study also suggests that luminance and brightness can have the same effect, because induced flicker caused real flicker adaptation, when aligned properly. Our results highlight in particular the importance of the spatial relationship between the luminance and brightness stimuli.
Cornsweet and Teller's (
1965) findings can be explained by the multiscale theory because the test increment was significantly inset from the outer edge of the pedestal. Thus, an induced brightness change would have no effect on a spatial filter tuned to the size of the test region. An actual luminance pedestal, however, would stimulate the surround of this spatial filter, reducing sensitivity. Note that the symbolic filling-in theory can potentially explain Cornsweet and Teller's finding as well, but has difficulty explaining the grating induction stimulus used by McCourt and Kingdom (
1996), where nonuniform lightness is induced into a uniform region, or how this induced grating could combine additively with an actual grating. In the multiscale model induced and physical brightness are the product of the same neural units, so it has no difficulty predicting McCourt and Kingdom's results.
Our results suggest that it would be interesting to revise Cornsweet and Teller's (
1965) study, varying the spatial parameters; when the test increment is significantly less inset, we would predict that a brightness pedestal would indeed reduce sensitivity.
Converging evidence supporting the importance of spatial alignment comes from a recent study of chromatic afterimages by Kim and Francis (
2011). They extended the illusion introduced by Van Lier, Vergeer, and Anstis (
2009) that demonstrates what appears to be color averaging of chromatic afterimages within achromatic borders. Kim and Francis varied the alignment of the achromatic borders (lines) so that they were inset (and outset) relative to the afterimage. According to filling-in theories the lines block the spreading of filled-in color, so changing their location should change the size of the chromatic afterimage. Instead, the spread of color often extended past the lines suggesting that they only block “filling-in” when the lines are aligned with the edge of the chromatic afterimage. The authors point out that since color spreading was still seen, their results still support filling-in generally, though in a very different form from current models. We propose a different explanation: The lines serve to draw attention to or enhance the response of cells aligned with the chromatic contrast due to the afterimage. This makes it easier to locate the edge of what is a fairly noisy signal (the chromatic afterimages are quite faint and have indistinct edges due to small eye movements during adaptation). In any case, their results and ours highlight the importance of studying spatial relationships and alignment to better understand the visual representation of lightness, brightness, and color.