To estimate the likelihood of a velocity vector given a combination of T and R, we assumed that visual measurements are corrupted by noise. Given T, R, and z k , expected velocity at a location is specified. However, because noise is present, other possible velocities would also have some probability.
Following Koenderink and Van Doorn (
1987), and in accordance with the data collected by Crowell and Banks (
1996), we assumed that sensory noise in motion direction is constant and that noise in speed perception is proportional to speed (i.e., Weber-fraction discrimination), except at very slow speeds (Crowell & Banks,
1996; McKee & Nakayama,
1984; Westheimer & Wehrhahn,
1994). Noise was assumed to be Gaussian distributed and centered around the input velocity vector on a tangent plane. For speed, the noise magnitude was
σ speed = ∣
v k ∣ · (0.20 + 0.02/∣
v k ∣). For motion direction, the noise magnitude was
σ dir = 30° · (1 + 0.02/∣
v k ∣).
Note that these noise parameters do not directly correspond to human discrimination thresholds for speed and motion direction, which are an order of magnitude lower. Our model treats each motion vector as contributing independently, so combining many vectors reduces aggregate noise by √
n. If the number of simulated motion vectors is large, an assumption of independence is probably not accurate and leads to predicted thresholds that are unrealistically small. To compensate for this, we assumed larger amounts of noise in estimates of individual motion vectors. For the velocity field sampling we used, the model's noise parameters predict heading discrimination thresholds of around 0.5°. Typical measured thresholds in comparable conditions would be 1–2° (Warren, Morris, & Kalish,
1988), and expert observers can achieve thresholds as low as 0.2° (Crowell & Banks,
The likelihood function for an extra-retinal signal specifying eye and head rotations,
R), was assumed to be independent of
T and was modeled as a Gaussian distribution over
R with a standard deviation of 1.5°/s. This parameter is not intended to directly model noise in the efferent and proprioceptive signals. Any such noise would be a factor in the relationship between
E and
R. However, an equally important factor is whether the rotational component in the flow is due to primarily pursuit eye and head movements, or if a significant component is due to rotation of the body. Typically, most of the rotation in retinal flow would be due to gaze pursuit. However, rotation can also arise from body rotation, such as when traveling along a curved path (see
Circular paths section). When this occurs, the rotational component of optic flow would not directly correspond to the amount of gaze rotation. Thus, there is naturally occurring variation in the relationship between
R and
E, beyond the variability due to noise in the efferent copies. Our assumed distribution
R) was intended to model this variability. While the range of noise in efferent and proprioceptive feedback could be inferred from previous empirical work (e.g., Wertheim,
1981), we know of no direct basis for estimating the variability in
R −
E due to body rotation and path curvature. The 1.5°/s parameter value was arbitrary, chosen to provide realistic performance in simulated rotation conditions.