Many theoretical studies demonstrated that employing depth information can improve the performance of a computer algorithm for segmentation (e.g., Sun, Sudderth, & Black,
2012), but the psychophysical data investigating whether human observers can improve segmentation by incorporating depth information is limited. Previous psychophysical findings demonstrate that good depth perception can be obtained from dynamic occlusion stimuli in motion parallax (e.g., Yoonessi & Baker,
2013). A simple cue-summation model might suggest that with the increase in number of reliable information sources about an object, psychophysical performance should logically improve. Thus the visual system might incorporate these different cues in a simple weighted sum manner to infer the location and orientation of the occlusion boundaries, but the results of our earlier shear study did not show a facilitation of segmentation performance by incorporating concomitant depth information (Yoonessi & Baker,
2011a). However, a different outcome might be expected for dynamic occlusion, because accretion-deletion can contribute to depth from dynamic occlusion even in the absence of head movements (Yoonessi & Baker,
2013). In order to examine the importance of head movement and the resulting extraretinal depth information, here we compare two conditions. In the Head Sync condition, in which stimulus motion was synchronized to the head movement so as to mimic natural motion parallax, observers voluntarily initiated head movement excursion in a free and unconstrained manner, to simulate natural viewing conditions. We varied the ratio between head movements and the stimulus motion, which we call “syncing gain,” as the primary variable—more details about this parameter can be found in our earlier studies (Yoonessi & Baker,
2013). In the Playback condition, previously recorded head movement data was used to recreate the same visual information on the screen for a stationary observer (Wexler, Panerai, Lamouret, & Droulez,
2001; Nadler, Nawrot, Angelaki, & DeAngelis,
2009; Yoonessi & Baker,
2011a). Thus in this condition there should be little or no input from extraretinal sources, such as vestibular sensors (otoliths) or eye movements, so the difference between the Head Sync and Playback conditions should be primarily nonvisual. We previously made this comparison for pure shear, which contains only relative motion. However, dynamic occlusion is more complicated than shear, since it entails accretion-deletion as well as relative motion. These cues rely differently on head movements, in that expansion-compression requires head movements to be depth-unambiguous, whereas accretion-deletion does not require extraretinal information to provide valid depth ordering (Yoonessi & Baker,
2013). Thus, one might expect the relative motion component of dynamic occlusion to behave similarly as in pure shear, but the accretion-deletion cue's dependence on head movement might be very different (Yoonessi & Baker,