The prior parameters used to model the data were obtained as those that provided the best model fit to the psychophysical data. We refer to these as the derived priors. The derived priors can be understood as those that are brought to bear by the visual system, within the context of our model and experimental stimuli (cf. Brainard et al.,
2006; Stocker & Simoncelli,
2006; Brainard, Williams, & Hofer,
2008; Morgenstern et al.,
2011; Girshick, Landy, & Simoncelli,
2011). As such, they provide an interpretable description of human performance, again within the context of our model. In particular, the derived priors characterize human performance in the currency of the statistical structure of natural scenes, and as such it would be interesting to know how closely the derived priors match the priors obtained directly from physical measurements of natural scenes (see Girshick et al.,
2011 for such comparison in the perceptual domain of spatial orientation and Allred,
2012 for a general discussion). We are currently limited, however, in terms of what we know about the relevant natural scene statistics. Although there are several valuable data sets of calibrated natural images now available, these image data sets do not allow separate characterization illuminant and surface reflectance statistics (e.g., Chakrabarti & Zickler,
2011; Foster, Nascimento, & Amano,
2004; Heckaman & Fairchild,
2009; Mury et al.,
2009; Olmos & Kingdom,
2004; Parraga, Brelstaff, Troscianko, & Moorehead,
1998; Tkacik et al.,
2011; van Hateren & van der Schaaf,
1998; Xiao et al.,
2002). Similarly there is work on the geometrical structure of natural illumination fields (Debevec,
1998; Dror, Willsky, & Adelson,
2004; Morgenstern et al.,
2011), but translating the characterization provided by this work to image plane statistics is nontrivial. As we obtain better measurements of the distribution of surface reflectances and illumination intensities in natural scenes, it may become possible to both improve upon our choice of prior parametric forms and to make informative comparisons between priors derived from analysis of human performance and their counterparts obtained directly from physical measurements.