Previous studies reviewed in the “Introduction” may be divided into two classes: those that assumed some eccentricity magnification function for their stimulus variation and found that symmetry detection was approximately equated by this manipulation, and those that assumed no magnification and found relatively minor changes in performance with eccentricity. Those that assumed a magnification do not provide strong support for this assumed scaling if symmetry processing is invariant with spatial frequency, because any assumed scaling would provide equal sensitivity. Taken together, these results suggest that symmetry processing is surprisingly robust to eccentric presentation, which provides the motivation for the finer-grained analysis of the present work. Given the apparent dissociation between processes mediating the low and high performance levels on the duration psychometric function (
Tyler et al., 1995), eccentricity functions are evaluated for four diverse aspects of symmetry processing: 60% dynamic, 90% dynamic, 60% static, and 90% static performance.
The results show that observers were able to perform low-performance static and dynamic symmetry detection with approximately equal sensitivity from fixation to 10° in the periphery (a range that spans about half the extent of the cortical projection to area V1;
Horton & Hoyt, 1991). This is a remarkable result considering that symmetry detection is essentially a position-mediated task in which the positions of the dots on either side of the symmetry axis must be compared for successful performance. Such position tasks typically have a very steep eccentricity scaling function (
Levi et al., 1985) characterized by a negative intercept of about −0.6°. Similarly,
Tyler and Hardage (1996) found that the duration sensitivity for symmetry detection in band-limited noise fell according to the −0.6° intercept. Other investigators using contrast or noise correlation thresholds, such as
Saarinen (1988),
Herbert and Humphrey (1993), and
Barrett et al. (1999), have found the fall off with eccentricity to match the magnification function for luminance detection.
It may seem that the exponential fits of
Figure 6 (straight lines on log-linear coordinates) would be liable to exaggerate the size of the negative intercepts due to the concave curvature of the analytic functions through the negative eccentricity range. The evident straightening of the curvature in the explicit curvature range is the chief argument for the exponential construct, but it has plausibility for the present temporal sensitivity analysis on the assumption that the signal effectiveness decays exponentially with increasing duration.
However, even if a linear extrapolation were assumed, the negative intercepts are still well outside the range of traditional acuity tasks. Linear extrapolations are generated by extrapolating the tangential slope at zero eccentricity to the zero sensitivity level (= infinite stimulus duration), the tangential slope being the lowest point at which the function is empirically defined. These linear-extrapolation negative intercepts range from −7.1° to −38.8°, evenly split between being larger and being smaller than the exponential extrapolations. So it is clear that the exponential assumption has not generated an overestimation of the negative intercepts. Even when ignoring the curved portion of the functions and focusing on the lowest levels by linear extroplation, the negative intercepts are truly much greater than those for grating acuity (and, a fortiori, for positional acuity tasks), regardless of the form of analysis.
It is therefore incontestable that different symmetry detection tasks evince different eccentricity scaling functions, ranging from almost flat to extremely steep. This diversity may be taken as evidence that the neural processing limiting symmetry perception in the various situations is operating at different levels of the cortical processing hierarchy. Tasks matching the luminance-detection scaling slope may be limited by the signal/noise ratio in the primary projection cortex. Tasks showing flat functions (as in the present study at the 60% correct level) or negative scaling (as in the width functions of
Tyler, 1999) may be limited by the operation of a specialized symmetry detection mechanism that is constrained by factors other than the noise level of the input from primary cortex.
The present unscaled stimuli were made broadband in both energy spectrum and retinal location in order to allow the visual system to use any available mechanisms for symmetry detection. More colloquially, this study provides insight into the detectability of preferred symmetric designs such as Persian rugs. The data imply that duration sensitivities bear a logarithmic relationship to effective contrast sensitivity (as would be expected if they were governed by an exponential decay process) and validate the eccentricity analysis in these log-linear coordinates.