At each time step, the dot product between the simulated receptive field and the input image was computed first (the receptive field was centered on the movie frame). This value is denoted by
n) (
Figure 2). Next, in an attempt to make the simulation realistic,
n) was perturbed by a large amount of additive Gaussian noise,
n). The standard deviation of
n) and
n) were equal, i.e., the signal-to-noise ratio was one. Finally, the resulting signal
n) =
n) +
n) was passed through a hard rectifier (
Figure 2, right). The threshold was set at a value that caused the model cell to “fire” (i.e., generate a nonzero output) only 12% of the time. This is equivalent to a mean response rate of ≈ 2 spikes/s. The output variance was 2.1 (spikes/s).
2 These numbers are close to the median values for our data: median response 2.4 spikes/sec and variance (2.3 spikes/s).
2 The movies used in the simulation, and the length of the data record, were identical to those in the actual experiment. The simulated receptive field had two symmetric subfields, one excitatory (indicated in red) and one inhibitory (indicated in blue), and was defined on a square grid of 17 × 17 pixels representing 0.65 deg × 0.65 deg of visual angle. These parameters were selected to test the proposed method under stringent conditions: the algorithm had to estimate 289 parameters from very noisy thresholded data in the presence of highly correlated input signals (the condition number [
Golub & van Loan, 1989]) of the luminance covariance matrix was ≈ 3 × 10
3. The resulting estimate of the receptive field is very good (
Figure 2, lower receptive field): the correlation coefficient between the true and estimated weights equals 0.88. Thus, the algorithm can perform very well even in the presence of strong output nonlinearity and large additive noise levels.