Within each experiment, test fields were presented at a series of luminances. For the main experiment with red 2° and 4° test fields, 7 luminances were used, with the midpoint at a log relative luminance of 0.0 and a step size of 0.1 log units. For the pilot data carried out with blue 2° test fields, 7 luminances were used, with the midpoint at −0.1 and a step size of 0.1 log units, with one 0.3 log unit step at the high end of the range. For the main experiment with blue 1.5° (2°) test fields, 9 (9) luminances were used, with the midpoint at −0.2 (−0.3), and a step size of 0.1 (0.15) log units. In the infant bias experiment, carried out with red 4° test fields, 7 luminances were used, with the midpoint shifted to a log relative luminance of −0.3 and a step size of 0.1 log units.
A black stimulus with a luminance equal to the black level of the monitor was also included in each series. In addition, to establish that the infants were responsive to the display, presentations of easy stimuli were randomly intermixed with the experimental trials. The easy stimulus in all conditions was an 8° × 8°, 1/2 cpd high-contrast stationary white/black grating. Data were excluded if the infant’s performance on easy trials fell below 80%. For the subjects retained, the observer’s mean performance on easy trials was 92%.