All objects in the world are made of some material or another, and we usually have a good idea what, just by looking. Under typical viewing conditions, we find it trivial to distinguish between different materials, such as metal, plastic and paper, irrespective of the form of the object or the conditions of illumination. Given this observation, and given the enormous variety of substances to be found in the environment, it seems reasonable to presume that our capacity for recognizing different
materials rivals our ability to recognize different
objects. And yet very little research has been carried out to determine how (although see
Nishida & Shinya, 1998;
Adelson, 2001; and a number of ongoing projects of Koenderink and colleagues). Key questions include the following: What are the necessary and sufficient conditions to recognize different materials? What sources of information are available to an observer as a result of the different ways that materials interact with light? What are the principle dimensions underlying the representation of materials in the observer’s visual system?
One very important source of information about material identity results from the wide range of optical properties that different materials exhibit. Different materials reflect, transmit, refract, disperse, and polarize light to different extents and in different ways; this provides a rich set of optical cues for distinguishing materials. For most materials, the majority of the light that is not absorbed is reflected from the surface, and thus a material’s surface reflectance properties are surely some of its most important optical attributes. When light is reflected from a surface, it is generally scattered in many directions, producing a pattern that is characteristic of the material. Variation in the distribution of scatter gives rise to such varied visual appearances as bronze, plaster-of-Paris, gloss paint, and gold. In this work, we present a number of theoretical and empirical observations on the conditions under which humans are good at estimating surface reflectance properties. We also discuss a number of cues that appear to underlie this aptitude.