To study visual performance as it applies to natural viewing, the experimentalist faces a dilemma. To ensure that the results obtained generalize to situations outside the laboratory, it is desirable to employ stimuli that approximate the richness of natural scenes. To allow accurate specification and manipulation of the stimulus, however, it is necessary to simplify and employ stimuli that capture some but not all aspects of natural viewing.
Many studies of color and lightness constancy employ simulations of rather abstract scenes, flat matte objects viewed under spatially uniform illumination or simple illumination gradients (e.g., Burnham, Evans, & Newhall,
1957; Arend & Reeves,
1986; Brainard & Wandell,
1992; Bauml,
1994). These are simple enough to allow both complete stimulus specification and parametric stimulus manipulation. On the other hand, these stimuli do not look much like natural scenes.
Other studies have employed richer stimuli, consisting of real illuminated objects (e.g., Hochberg & Beck,
1954; Gilchrist,
1977; Brainard et al.,
1997; Brainard,
1998; Bloj, Kersten, & Hurlbert,
1999; Rutherford & Brainard,
2002). Results obtained with these stimuli seem more likely to apply to natural viewing. This generalizability is accompanied by less complete stimulus specification and an increase in the difficulty of instrumenting experimental manipulations.
The stimuli used in the present study represent an interesting middle ground. The stimuli consist of digital images displayed on well-calibrated computer-controlled monitors. For this reason, it is straightforward for us to provide a complete specification of what the observers saw. Because the simulated scenes are specified in software, manipulation of the stimuli is more easily accomplished than when one experiments with physical illuminated surfaces. At the same time, the physics-based rendering software used allows our simulated scenes to appear similar to photographic images of actual scenes.
Our experimental procedures and data analysis are similar to those employed by Kraft and Brainard (
1999; Kraft et al.,
2002), except that their stimuli consisted of real illuminated objects. The levels of constancy exhibited in our experiments are similar to those they found. For valid-cue conditions, Kraft and Brainard (
1999) found a mean constancy index of 0.83 (average of 4 observers), whereas Kraft, Maloney, and Brainard (
2002) found a mean constancy index of 0.85 (average of 10 observers). This compares to our average index of 0.72 from
Experiment 1 and the valid-cue condition of
Experiment 3. For the invalid-cue conditions, Kraft and Brainard found a mean constancy index of 0.53 (mean of 4 observers), whereas Kraft et al. (
2002) found a mean index of 0.25 (average of 10 observers). This compares to our average index of 0.19 from
Experiments 2 and the invalid-cue conditions of
Experiment 3. Given that there are a number of differences in the details between the various studies (e.g., illuminants, surface reflectance functions of objects in the scene, size of the scenes, and identity of observers), we feel that the overall similarity in the constancy indices across the experiments with real and simulated images provides some assurance that the simulated images we used provide a reasonable laboratory model for natural viewing. A more definitive statement awaits direct empirical comparisons between performance measured for real scenes and for simulations of these scenes.
Apart from the issue of simulation, it is worth noting that the simulated illuminant intensities were much lower than those of many daylights. In spring 1999, one of the authors (PBD) made some daylight measurements at the University of California, Santa Barbara. In shadow, the luminance of the light reflected from a perfect diffuser was 1650 cd/m
2, and in direct sunlight the corresponding luminance was 27500 cd/m
2. This compares to the luminance level of 25 cd/m
2 simulated in the present experiments. This low level was used because of limits on the light output of our CRT displays. Not much is known about how color constancy is affected by the overall level of the light. In one recent study, however, Delahunt and Brainard (
2000) found similar results for an asymmetric matching task performed using a stimulus presented on a CRT (mean luminance level of 14 cd/m
2) and on a rear-projection system (mean luminance level of 590 cd/m
2). As with the issue of how stimulus complexity affects constancy, firmer conclusions about the effect of overall light level will require additional experimentation.
Finally, it should be noted that our study employed essentially a single spatial arrangement of objects in the simulated scene. An interesting open line of experimentation is to understand how different choices of scene objects affect color constancy. Such studies are enabled by the use of synthetically produced stimuli, because with such stimuli, variation in scene composition becomes practical on a trial-by-trial basis.