One of the notions having received considerable attention in the study of perception is that of the reference frame encoding the spatial structure of objects (Rock,
1990; Lappin & Craft,
2000). Research conducted in the past few decades suggests that a multiplicity of such reference frames are simultaneously at work in the visual system, indicating that which frame is active at a given time depends in part on the information present in the surrounding environment (Indow,
2004). Many experiments have shown that the features of a given stimulus component may be coded relative to another, a case referred to as an object-centric reference frame (Wade & Swanston,
1987). In theory, object-centric reference frames could provide support for affine invariant object recognition (Marr & Nishihara,
1978; Hinton,
1981) and for structure-from-motion (Koenderink,
The phenomenon of induced motion has been widely used to probe the nature of object-centric reference frames (Duncker,
1929/1938). In induced motion, the motion of a frame in a particular direction induces a motion component in the opposite direction in a static dot. For example, in a display consisting of a vertically oscillating dot surrounded by a horizontally oscillating frame, the dot appears to be moving diagonally (Wallach, Bacon, & Schulman,
1978), as would be predicted by subtracting the motion component of the frame from that of the dot. Although a relatively new subject in laboratory experiments, induced motion was actually noted several times throughout history, the earliest instance of which may be found in the works of Ptolemy (Smith,
A considerable body of research has focused on characterizing the “low-level” underpinnings of induced motion, such as how it is affected by stimulus aspects like contrast (Murakami,
1999), speed and texture (Cohen,
1964). It is clear that it is important to have a full characterization of how variations in these stimulus dimensions affect induced motion in order to fully understand the phenomenon. The investigations we report in this paper concern instead the role of 3D geometry on the induced motion illusion. That is, rather than studying the effect of variations in “surface” properties (e.g., texture density, contrast), we assume those to be fixed and study how varying the 3D layout of the stimulus affects the percept of induced motion.
Induced motion and its relationship to depth have been studied in a number of experiments (e.g., Gogel & Tietz,
1976; Gogel & MacCracken,
1979; Di Vita & Rock,
1997; Léveillé & Yazdanbakhsh,
2010). One general finding is that coplanarity of the dot and frame is not at all necessary for motion induction. Other studies have shown that induced motion can occur along the depth dimension provided that the inducer can be seen as moving in depth (Farnè,
1972; Farnè,
1977; Gogel & Griffin,
1982; Harris & German,
2008; Nefs & Harris,
2008). Farnè (
1977) showed the possibility of induced motion in depth using displays that consisted of static target lines and a background surface oscillating in depth. One crucial difference between this setup and the one we propose here is that here the reference frame is not seen as moving in depth, despite that it triggers induced motion in depth. Similarly, Gogel and Griffin (
1982) used a display consisting of target and reference dots and showed that induced motion could be perceived either in the frontoparallel plane or in depth, depending on whether the reference dots travelled along the corresponding dimension. Harris and German (
2008) found that, for matching extents of retinal motion, observers perceive equal amounts of induced motion on the frontal plane and in depth, suggesting that the illusion does not depend on 3D scaling. Nefs and Harris (
2008) compared the effects of size (looming) and binocular disparity as well as fixation condition in displays in which the display elements were perceived as moving either in depth or in the frontal plane. In the depth condition, whereas changes in size did not lead to induced motion in depth, binocular disparity did, but primarily when fixation was on the inducer. The finding that binocular disparity can lead to induced motion relates to our present experiments, although we do not specifically test for the effect of fixation, and the display elements here do not actually move along the depth dimension. Moreover, we chose a point-like size for the target dot (13 arcmin of visual angle) to further weaken the size-induced depth effect.
Here we show that it is possible to induce a motion component in depth in a target dot when using an induced motion display in which no stimulus element actually moves in depth. In order to do this, we propose a new stimulus display in which a component of slant is added to the inducer using either perspective or disparity as depth cue (
Figure 1). Crucially, in our stimuli, motion of the inducer remains along the frontoparallel plane (i.e., left-right oscillation), and can only be seen as having a three-dimensional motion component when surface slant is taken into consideration. Unlike in the displays of previous 3D-induced motion experiments, the frame does not actually move in depth. The lack of an actual component of motion in depth of the frame, coupled with its slant, allows us to study the formation of object-centric coordinates in depth.
In particular, we can study whether the presence of slant in the oscillating frame will make the target dot appear as if it were moving in depth. Based on the
equidistance tendency (Gogel,
1965), if the relative positions of the dot and frame are sufficiently ambiguous, the dot could be assimilated to the frame, in which case it would be seen as moving along the frame. On the other hand, if the relative depth of the dot and frame is unambiguous and computed locally, induced motion in depth could be perceived. The term “locally” here refers to a local neighborhood that encompasses the intersection of the slanted inducer frame and the line of sight. Assuming a slanted frame whose leftmost vertical edge is farther in depth than its rightmost edge and a target dot with no discernible horizontal motion component, the distance between the dot and its projection along the line-of-sight on the frame will increase/decrease as the frame moves in the left direction. If the computations that lead to perceived motion are influenced by spatial displacement in depth, then such a change in distance could be perceived as the dot moving away from the observer.
Finally, if induced motion results only from the competition among opposite-directed motion filters coding for motion in the 2D frontal plane, neither induced motion nor motion assimilation to the surface of the frame should be observed in our stimulus. Our experiment specifically addresses whether the different depth cues used here lead to either of these perceptual outcomes.