In the current experiment, we created PLD stimuli that retained the articulated structure and motion features of our already established walking and running digital models. We then examined how discrimination with these articulated PLD stimuli compared to the discrimination of full-figured stimuli and the discrimination of several important controls. One of these controls was a
scrambled condition, which had identically moving dots positioned randomly about the display. This control contains all of the same motion information but lacks the structural articulation, coordination, and coherence of the motion that promotes biological motion perception. The second was an
inversion condition in which the dot pattern was inverted, resulting in the “legs” of the PLD model pointing up and the “head” and “torso” positioned toward the bottom. This control provides the same coordinated articulation and periodic timing but disrupts location-specific motion features (e.g., as in Blake & Shiffrar,
2007; Troje & Aust,
2013). Typically, this control has been interpreted as disrupting global processing, but recent research shows that this arguably global manipulation affects the weight given to local motion cues during PLD displays (Hirai et al.,
2011). Thus, if inversion disrupts otherwise capable PLD discrimination, it would need to be determined if the disruption resulted from an interaction of local and global properties. Last, we tested a
randomized frame condition, in which all of the same frames were presented as in the normally articulated PLD stimulus but in a random sequence. This condition disrupts motion-based cuing while retaining the same static frames during presentation (Asen & Cook,
2012; Cook & Roberts,
2007; Koban & Cook,
2009). Any discrimination of this condition suggests that the coherent pattern of motion and the form features are irrelevant and that some static cue, such as the presence of the figure in a certain region of the display, can be sufficient for discrimination (Cook & Roberts,
Experiment 1 consisted of two different tests of these PLD stimuli with the pigeons. Any greater degree of transfer from the ongoing fully figured locomotion discrimination to the normally articulated PLD stimuli relative to the different controls would be consistent with the hypothesis that the pigeons see the biological motion in these displays like humans do.