Almost nothing is known about brightness discrimination in animals and how this ability relates to their lifestyles. To date, studies on brightness discrimination involve only a handful of species: humans (Cornsweet & Pinsker,
1965; Griebel & Schmid,
1997), two species of fur seals (Busch & Dücker,
1987), the West Indian manatee (Griebel & Schmid,
1997), and the coatis (Chausseil & Löhmer, 1986). From such a small sample, we have no foundation to draw conclusions about differences between diurnal, arrhythmic, and nocturnal species. This represents a major gap in our understanding of vision.
This work reports results on a canid species, the dog, an arrhythmic animal, active during both day and night. The dog is thus a visual generalist who uses vision in a wide range of ambient light levels. The visual system of the dog has been subject to various investigations in the past (for a review, see Miller & Murphy,
Interestingly, however, we know less about the visual abilities of domestic dogs then we do about certain wild species of wolves and monkeys and domestic species such as cats and laboratory rats. Data about the visual capacities of dogs are valuable, not only because they add to our knowledge of comparative sensory functions, but also because they could have practical applications because working dogs are used in a variety of different tasks where vision is necessary. Thus, for a retriever to do his job, he needs visually to track and mentally mark the places where birds fall. The job done by sheepherding dogs depends on their ability to detect small movements of members of a herd to keep the flock together. Shepherding dogs also need their eyes to pick up the hand or arm signals of the master indicating which direction to go first, and where to move the flock. And, of course, guide dogs must serve as surrogate eyes for their charges. However, what we as humans can expect of dogs will depend in great measure on their sensory abilities.
Several behavioral investigations have shown that visual cues are very important for canids in interactions between conspecifics as well as during hunting (Osterholm,
1964; Fox,
1971; Lehner,
1978; Wells & Lehner,
1978). Canids seem to be visual generalists that are able to operate under a wide range of photic conditions. A superiorly located reflective tapetum lucidum probably enhances the view of a usually darker ground and the inferiorly located tapetum nigrum may reduce scattering light from the bright sky (Wen, Sturman, & Shek,
1985; Lesiuk & Braekevelt,
1983; Burns, Bellhorn, Impellizzeri, Aguirre, & Laties,
Canid retinas predominantly contain rods. Peichl (
1991) reports that cones make up only 3% of all photoreceptors in dog and wolf retinas. In the central portion of the retina, they are more numerous and amount to 20% of all receptors, whereas in regions outward from the area centralis, the cone/rod ratio decreases (Koch & Rubin,
1972; Parry,
1953; Allgoewer,
1991; Peichl,
1991). Human retinas contain about 5% cones and are also distributed differently than in the canids. Rods are completely absent in the central foveal pit and increase in numbers toward the periphery of the retina (Curcio & Hendrickson,
The presence of cones in the canid retina suggests the possibility of color vision. Although early behavioral studies on dog color vision produced ambiguous results (reviewed by Rosengreen,
1969), both recent behavioral studies (Coile,
1982; Neitz, Geist, & Jacobs,
1989) and visual-evoked potential studies (Aguirre,
1978; Odom, Bromberg, & Dawson,
1983) have demonstrated that dogs possess dichromatic color vision, with two classes of cone pigments, having spectral peaks at 429 nm and 555 nm.
Electroretinographic studies have confirmed these findings. Parry, Tansley, and Thompson (
1953) found a maximal spectral sensitivity of the cones at 580 nm and 430 nm in the dog, and Jacobs, Deegan, Crognale, and Fenwick (
1993), using electroretinogram flicker photometry, showed that four species of canids (dog, Island grey fox, red fox, and Arctic fox) have a long-wavelength sensitive cone with a peak sensitivity at 555 nm and a short-wavelength sensitive cone with a peak sensitivity of about 430 nm, a pattern suggesting that all canids might have a very similar dichromatic color vision system. A study from molecular genetics also supports these findings (Yokoyama & Radlwimmer,
1998). Scotopic sensitivity has a peak around 507 nm (Scheibner & Schmid,
1969; Kemp & Jacobson,
1992; Parkes, Aguirre, Rockes, & Liebman,
1982; Jacobs et al.,
Arey and Gore (
1942) showed that the retina of the dog contains about 150,000 ganglion cells. The optic chiasm has a crossover of about 75% in the dog, consistent with good binocular vision. The monocular field of view in the average dog is approximately 135–150°, and the binocular field is estimated to be about 30–60° (Sherman & Wilson,
1975). Visual acuity was tested behaviorally in a medium-sized, mixed-breed dog by Neuhaus and Regenfuss (
1967). The threshold (minimum separable) was found to be at 4′50″ (6.3 cycles/deg) at an illumination level of 37 lux. Several studies using visually evoked potential measurements have been conducted with various results. In two beagles, an average threshold of 4.62 cycles/deg was reported (Bromberg & Dawson,
1980), whereas another electrophysiological study measuring retinal and cortical field potentials found much lower thresholds of 11.61 cycles/deg (about 2′40″) and 12.59 cycles/deg (about 2′35″) for three beagles and one mixed-breed dog, respectively (Odom et al.,
1983). A more recent study with three beagles found thresholds between 7.0 to 9.5 cycles/deg (about 4′19″ to 3′10″) (Murphy, Mutti, Zadnik, & Ver Hoeve,
Peichl (
1992) has shown that several breeds of dogs as well as the wolf have a more or less pronounced “visual streak” of high ganglion cell density, extending from the central area into both temporal and nasal retina. The temporal resolution of the cones in dogs (70–80 Hz) seems to be a little higher than in humans (50–60 Hz), whereas the critical flicker fusion frequency of the rods seems to be similar to humans (about 20 Hz) (Aquirre,
1978; Wadensten,
1956; Coile, Pollitz, & Smith,
One feature of the visual system that has not been studied is the brightness discrimination ability of the dog. Orbeli (
1908) claimed that dogs are able to differentiate perfectly among closely related shades of grey that are indistinguishable to the human eye (Duke-Elder,
1958), but this claim has not been investigated formally. In general, only very few species have been tested on their ability to discriminate brightness, so the basis for comparison is still very small.
In our study, brightness discrimination in German and Belgian shepherd dogs was examined in a simultaneous two-choice situation. The tests were designed to show how much two steps of grey had to differ in their relative reflection to be discriminated by the animals and how this difference in relative reflection varied from bright to dark stimuli.