To make a decision in a given experimental trial, an observer indicates the image believed most likely to contain the signal profile. If the response to the signal-present image is larger than that of the signal-absent image, then a correct decision is made, and if not, an incorrect decision is made. Let us define the observer score (or trial outcome),
o, for a given trial as one if the observer correctly identifies the signal-present image and zero if the observer makes an incorrect choice. The score is defined in terms of the internal responses by
where the step function is defined as one for arguments greater than zero and zero for arguments less than zero. We will assume continuous distributions for the internal responses, and hence the probability of a tie (
λ+ =
λ−) can be neglected. In terms of the linear response model given in
Equation 2, and the image generating equations in
Equation 1, the trial score is defined as
where Δ
n =
n+ −
n− is the vector difference between the noise fields, and Δ
ɛ =
ɛ+ −
ɛ− is the difference between internal noise components. Given the Gaussian assumptions we have made on
n+ and
n−, the difference is Δ
n ∼ MVN(0,2
Kn). For independent Gaussian-distributed internal-noise components, Δ
ɛ ∼ N(0,2
Note that in the second step of
Equation 4, the background component,
b, cancels out of the expression. Hence the mean background does not directly influence the trial score in the linear model. However, this does not imply that the background is irrelevant because the observer may accommodate the background indirectly by modifying the template, or the background may influence the magnitude of the internal noise.